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Changelog #8 on 5.4.8 from 07.09.15

Below you can see a changelog, which was made on 5.4.8 for 2 months, from 25.06.15 to 07.09.15:

Status: applied on all realms.

List of changes:


- Fixed search in AH for other client languages.
- From section buying characters in the control panel removed characters, that don't conform a new criterias (as previously planned).
- On a server hardware upgraded operating system packets and now will be using another compiler, this should have a positive effect on performance.
- Fixed bug where it was impossible to invite player to group at once.
- Implemented stream system for achievements, must seriously affect on increasting performance.
- Fixed work of various portals, which had problems after the latest fixes.
- Implemented work of tickets system in the game.
- Fixed problems with the gold on the black market.
- Fixed work of all the commands for chat channels.
- Added 2 second cooldown to send messages in the chat to prevent spamming/flooding.
- Fixed a bug where the process could stop responding at the rename of character.
- Fixed crash of client that was because of spam emotions.
- Rewritten work of server cooldown.
- Many fixes to the transmogrification.

Instances and raids:

Throne of Thunder:
- Fixes to next bosses in the raid Throne of Thunder: Durumu the Forgotten, Iron Qon, Jin'rokh the Breaker, as fixed loot from this bosses.
- In the Throne of Thunder now available the achievement from the last boss in normal mode, which is necessary to enter heroic. In the heroic mode are also available all the bosses, including the final boss Ra-den.

Siege of Orgrimmar:

- Fixes to first and second bosses in the Siege of Orgrimmar, added loot and achievements.

Instances and raids, others:

- Many fixes to raid Mogu'shan Vaults, fixed all known bugs.
- Many fixes to the cave Shado-Pan Monastery, fixed all known bugs.
- Many fixes to the Heart of Fear raid, fixed all known bugs.
- Many fixes to the instance Stormstout Brewery, fixed all known bugs.
- Many fixes to the instance Siege of Niuzao Temple, fixed all known bugs.
- Many fixes to the instance Temple of the Jade Serpent, fixed all known bugs.
- Many fixes to the instance Mogu'shan Palace, fixed all known bugs.
- Many fixes to the Terrace of Endless Spring, fixed all bugs which was known.

- Fixed access to the dungeon Hour of Twilight.
- Fixed displaying information about the scenarios in the interface.
- Closed access to scenarios, that don't conform the player's fraction.
- Implemented system of automatic loot for some items in dungeons and raids.
- Rewrote work of raid marks.
- Implemented scripts to bosses in dungeon
- Fixed loot in the raids Mogu'shan Vaults and Heart of Fear.
- Fixed bug with high damages for different classes, this happened because of problems with the calculation of the maximum melee damage, when turned negative number of damage, which was converted into a positive incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug, where spells can get stuck after unsuccessful cast, for example, after a miss.
- Fixed a bug where bosses in Firelands give valor points.
- Fixed work of deserter when you exit the dungeon by Dungeon Finder.
- Now players will not get valor / justice points after 85 level in the instances until MoP content.
- Fixes to the instance Siege of Niuzao Temple, fixed bugs that emerged after rewriting the instance.
- Fixed bug when hunter's pets could be lost or bugged after some instances.
- Fixed a bug with the advent of the horde NPC for the alliance characters in the Ragefire Chasm.
- Fixed an exploit with the boss General Pa'valak in the instance Siege of Niuzao Temple.
- Fixed bug with tabards and reputation in Cataclysm and Pandaria dungeons.


- Implemented script to the horde version of scenario Theramore's Fall.
- Implemented Challenge Mode for many dungeons.
- Implemented work of new scenario: Blood in the Snow.


- Fixed work of following professions spells:
Lightning Steel Ingot
Balanced Trillium Ingot
Accelerated Balanced Trillium Ingot
Magnificence of Scales
Hardened Magnificent Hide
Accelerated Hardened Magnificent Hide
Imperial Silk
Celestial Cloth
Accelerated Celestial Cloth
Lunar Crescent, Reborn
Mooncleaver, Reborn
Fireguard, Reborn
Blazeguard, Reborn
Lionheart Blade, Reborn
Lionheart Champion, Reborn
Drakefist Hammer, Reborn
Dragonmaw, Reborn
Thunder, Reborn
Deep Thunder, Reborn
The Planar Edge, Reborn
Black Planar Edge, Reborn
Balanced Trillium Ingot and Its Uses
Hardened Magnificent Hide and Its Uses
Celestial Cloth and Its Uses

Battlegrounds and Arenas:

- Fixed bug where on battleground The Battle for Gilneas points for bases accrued too slow.
- Fixed displaying spending time on BG.
- Fixed bug where after leaving from BG player with flag didn't return to the base and other players also should leaving or wait 25 minutes before BG will be end.
- Now on BG will be spent a lower of traffic through the optimization of sending packets.
- Fixed bug where incorrectly displays player's position on BG map after his teleportation.
- Fixed displaying flag of the opposing faction in Battleground Warsong Gulch.
- Fixed BG spells Focused Assault and Brutal Assault.
- Fixed bug where it was impossible to defuse bombs on the Battleground Isle of Conquest.
- Fixed displaying of RBG statistics.
- Implemented rule of 6 seconds for drinks on arena.
- Rewrote the algorithm for the formation of the battle participants on the arena, now choice of opponents must be a little faster.
- Fixed an exploit with the logout on BG-arena.
- Spell Battle Fatigue no longer affects the bandages from the First Aid.
- Fixed the different PvP achievements related to the killing of players certain class/race.
- Fixed exploit with spheres on th BG Temple of Kotmogu.

Spells and talents:


- Fixed spells interaction Blindside and Dispatch
- Fixed a bug where Shadow Dance effect on many other spells, and reduces expenses of energy for them, and not only for a Ambush.
- Fixed bug with the talent Combat Readiness when he didn't have procs of spell Combat Insight
- Fixed a bug with spell Restless Blades where he could work in all specializations.


- Fixed the mechanics of work spell Temporal Shield
- Flameglow now work correctly with real spell power and not only with basic.
- Rewrote Mastery: Icicles.
- Rewritten AI for Frozen Orb.
- Fixed Alter Time.
- Fixed a bug where Glyph of Mirror Image does not work for arcane mages.
- Fixed the effect of Battle Fatigue to spell Incanter's Ward.
- Fixed radius and model for Ring of Frost.
- Fixed using of Alter Time under the influence of a friendly Grounding Totem.
- Fixed Glyph of Spellsteal
- Fixed bug with incorrect mana regen for spell Evocation


- A lot of fixes to spell Transcendence
* Fixed movement
* Now you cannot taget it
* Fixed displaying of model and transparency
* Now you can't agree and damage it
- Fixed bug where use of spell Surging Mist interrupted maintaining spell Soothing Mist.
- Fixed Glyph of Spinning Crane Kick.
- Fixed a bug where the spell Legacy of the Emperor only worked for the group, where was the player, and not for the whole raid.
- Fixed effect of Mana Tea Dispel spell.
- Fixed Glyph of Enduring Healing Sphere.
- Implemented correct work of spell Storm, Earth, and Fire.


- Fixed terms for work of spell Divine Insight
- Fixed the formula for Atonement according to the changes in patch 5.3.
- Fixed work of Power Word: Fortitude spell in the group / raid.


- Fixed bug with radius for spell Blink Strikes
- Fixed bug where talent Dire Beast did not work in some areas of the world.
- Fixed restoring concentration of talent Wild Beast.
- Fixed a bug where Bestial Wrath in interacting with The Beast Within does not remove control effects.
- Fixed damage for spell Chimera Shot.
- Fixed a bug where after action of spell Feign Death hunter got up with an incorrect number of health.
- Fixed a typo for spell Chimera Shot , damage was overvalued.
- Fixed triggering conditions for spell Piercing Shots.
- Fixed work of spell stacks Thrill of the Hunt.
- Fixed work of spell Invigoration and Frenzy.
- Fixed a bug where the spell Stampede had a double effect.
- Fixed bug when spell Invigoration not granted focus.
- Fixed terms for procs of spell Piercing Shots
- Fixed refreshing of buff Ready, Set, Aim...
- Fixed damage of spell Kill Shot
- Fixed the excessive damage from spell Steady Shot .
- Fixed the excessive damage from spell Arcane Shot .
- Fixed trigger conditions of spell Cobra Strikes .
- Fixed a bug where Snake Trap haven't been causing Entrapment.
- Fixed Glyph of Animal Bond.
- Fixed trigger conditions and cd spell undefined.


- Treant Form now work until you cancel it or change form, not only 30 sec
- Now by activation Heart of the Wild PvP-power (Healing) will be equal to PvP-power (Damage).
- Now Battle Fatigue and other healing-reduce effects don't work on Leader of the Pack
- Rewritten spell Tooth and Claw
- Now after the effect Stampede expires, druid will get buff Stampede
- Fixed criteria for proc of spell Predatory Swiftness
- A lot of fixes to spell Symbiosis
* Fixed spec checking
* Fixed target checking before cast
* Fixed bug when it could be applied only for players in first group of raid.
* Fixed bug when aura couldn't be removed from target/caster by removing from target/caster
* Fixed bug with aura's removing from caster by teleporting out of target.
- Fixed bug, where a spell Killer Instinct not add agility equal intellect in form of bear and cat.
- Fixed bug where after using spell Wild Mushroom: Detonate applied only damage and other effects was lost.
- Fixed Glyph of the Predator.
- Rewritten spell work Ysera's Gift.
- Fixed bug where after using spell Wild Mushroom: Bloom and when mushroom absorption maximum number of healing , there was no visual lighting buttons of explosion.
- Fixed Genesis
- Fixed bug where the use of spell Faerie Fire always remove the cd from spell Mangle, not with a 25% chance.
- Fixed bug when spell Dream of Cenarius could work on low levels.
- Fixed bug when rage which was received from the spell Bear Form remained when exiting from the form.
- Fixed formula for spell Starfall
- Fixed bug when you gain energy from spell Ravage! while Stampede is active.
- Fixed talent Nature's Vigil
- Now while shapeshifting from Cat Form or Bear Form mana will not be reset.
- Fixed duration of spell Infected Wounds in PvP
- Fixed displaying in combat log and recount regaining energy of spell Soul of the Forest
- Fixed formula for last tick of spell Lifebloom
- Fixed Glyph of Rebirth
- Fixed taget checking for spell Starfall and Glyph of Guided Stars
- Fixed a formula for the talent Nature's Vigil.


- Fixed mastery's work on spell Bastion of Glory
- Now Mastery: Divine Bulwark work on Shield of the Righteous correctly.
- Fixed increase of periodic healing for spell Bastion of Glory.
- Fixed Glyph of Illumination.
- Fixed Glyph of Mass Exorcism.
- Fixed selection of targets for spell Seal of Insight
- Fixed Consecration


- Fixes to triggering spell Chain Heal.
- Fixed Mastery: Elemental Overload
- Fixed scaling of the critical chance to shaman spells Healing Tide Totem and Healing Stream Totem.
- Fixed choice of targets for spell Healing Stream Totem.
- Fixed choice of targets for spell Dream of Cenarius.
- Fixed a bug where Healing Stream Totem healed only one target with the availability of the talent Rushing Streams.
- Fixed Fire Elemental Totem.
- Fixed % of health regen by healing of spell Ancestral Guidance
- Rewrote the work of Healing Rain.
- Fixed a bug where [url] gave at once all the characteristics.
- Rewrote work of Totemic Persistence spell.
- Fixed interaction spells Windfury Weapon (Passive) and Flametongue Weapon.
- Fixed using of Bloodlust.
- Fixed cooldown reduction from undefined spell.

Death Knight:

- Fixed HP, armor, attack power by DK's gargoyle and ghoul.
- Fixed bug when Scarlet Fever couldn't refresh the duration of Blood Plague
- Rewritten talent Death Siphon
- Fixed Runic Corruption.
- Fixed checking capabilities of casting spell Plague Leech.
- Rewrote work of Anti-Magic Zone spell.
- Fixed damage for spell Necrotic Strike


- Fixed modifier for Mastery: Unshackled Fury and more correct checking Исступление
- Fixed Intimidating Shout.
- Fixed mechanic of Storm Bolt.
- Fixed damage calculation formula for spell Shattering Blow.
- Fixed triggering conditions Mastery: Strikes of Opportunity.
- Fixed diminishing return of spells Shockwave and Storm Bolt.
- Fixed a bug with high cooldown for spells Command Demon and Wrathstorm.
- Fixed bug with 2x proc Mastery: Strikes of Opportunity
- Fixed applying aura's Raging Blow!
- Fixed a bug where the spell Bloodbath could deal critical damage.


- Implemented work of talent Grimoire of Service.
- Fixes to Backdraft.
- Fixed Soul Swap.
- Fixed all known bugs in the spell Rain of Fire.
- Rewritten spell work Demonic Fury.
- Rewritten spell work Command Demon.
- Fixed bug where a spell Decimation gave demonic rage, because it is already doing other dependent spells.
- Fixed work of spell Life Tap after the latest fixes
- Changes in work of spell Soul Swap.
- Fixed bug where Immolation Aura had been giving twice the amount of demonic rage.
- Fixed second part of the spell Howl of Terror.
- Improved height checking for spell Demonic Gateway now in theory it can not be puted on the forbidden altitude.
- Fixed a bug when by using spell Rain of Fire with Backdraft mana for cast not required
- Fixed bonus from SAP for direct damage and dots Chaos Bolt.
- Corrected formula to calculate damage for spells: Immolate, Incinerate, Conflagrate.
- Fixed conditions of casting spell Unbound Will.
- Fixed formula for spell Doom Bolt
- Fixed bug when spell's Howl of Terror aura could be applied incorrectly.
- Fixed Glyph of Soulstone
- Fixed spell Unbound Will
- Fixed formula for talent Soul Link
- Rewritten talent Grimoire of Supremacy and spell Command Demon
- More fixes to the interaction of spells Grimoire of Sacrifice and Spell Lock .
- Fixed spell formula Doom Bolt .
- Fixed work of Glyph of Siphon Life at using of spell Immolate.
- Fixes in work of Glyph of Life Tap
- Rewrote work of talent Soul Leech.
- Fixed trigger conditions for Glyph of Siphon Life.
- Fixed a bug where the PvP power didn't affect the spell Twilight Ward.
- Fixed work of Backdraft spell.
- Rewrote work of Agony spell.
- Fixed Glyph of Falling Meteor.
- More fixes to the spell Fire and Brimstone and spells which modify this spell.

Spells and talents, others:

- Fixed scaling from ilvl for auras of var. trinkets, for example:;si=3#0+13-2 and other analogs.
- Fixed bug when % parry was too high for Death Knights.
- Fixes to spell Goblin Glider
- Implemented work of legendary cloaks Gong-Lu, Strength of Xuen and analogs.
- Fixed character's orienation after knockback.
- Fixed displaying of knockback effects for other players.
- Fixed exploit when players could bug haste rating for yourself (in theory).
- Implemented visual effects of legendary cloaks, now they don't work in PvP.
- Temporarily disabled effect of Exploding Oil Barrel
- Start realization quests for legendary cloaks, also implemented basic phasing in locations for more correctly quests implementation.
- Implemented work of warning system losing control (can be disabled in client settings).
- Implemented work of spells, that have more then 1st charge.
- Fixed bug where some auras could do more damage / healing after relog.
- Added checking fraction for portals, fix various bugs where players could use portals of hostile factions.
- Rewrote system of areatriggers, it need for correct implementation of many spells.
- Fixed work of combo points on a miss / parry.
- Fixed work of hit rating cap.
- Fixed bug with spell Blood Fury on low lvl.
- Rewritten spell work log, now should work more correctly.
- Trying to fix bug when spells by type Cleanse could missing cooldown.
- Fixed a bug where spells of melee classes could cause greater damage to several million.
- Implemented the work system of additional targets during casting spells.
- Amendments to the removal spells Sated and Exhaustion.
- Fixed stacking for many spells.
- Raid buffs now cannot be applied to temporal pets.
- Fixed the remaining problems with cooldown for spells after teleporting.
- Rewrote the mechanics of work spell Battle Fatigue
- Fixed a bug where a change of specialization burned all mana.
- Fixed incorrect value of mana at changing of shaman specialization from the restoration to the elemental and vice versa.
- Implemented system PPM for the following spells: Item - Proc Stacking Agility, Item - Proc Strength, Item - Proc Intellect, Item - Attacks Proc Agility and Voodoo Gnomes, Item - Spell Damage Proc 100% Critical Strike, Item - Crits Proc Intellect, Item - Crits Proc Stacking Crit, undefined, Item - Attacks Proc Mastery.
- Fixed items: Spark of Zandalar, Zen Alchemist Stone, Tushui Tabard, Huojin Tabard, Soothing Talisman of the Shado-Pan Assault, Price of Progress.

- Fixed 12 reasons for server crash.

- All Data Base fixes - quests, creatures, loot - you can be seem in this section (from 23.06.15 tо 02.09.15), with messages from Herald.

Don't forget to clear the cache of the game after the update.

Price of Progress
Item Level 463
Upgrade Level 0/1
Binds when picked up
+847 Intellect

Equip: Your healing spells have a chance to grant 5082 mana. (10% chance, sec cooldown)
Requires Level 90
Sell Price: 18 5 93