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Changelog #22 for 5.4.8 on 2018-03-28

Below there is a changelog, which was made at 5.4.8 for the last month, from 23.02.18 till 28.03.18:

Status: applied.

  • Fixed an issue due to which state of battle pet could not be safed.
  • Fixed displaying of enchantments of the item which had random enchantment.
  • Fixed an issue due to which players did not see changed nickname till log out.
  • Fixed displaying of battleground where the player located in /who list while relog.
  • Fixed an issue with PVE Spectator and item http:// due to which player could be dead without aura of death while use the item in spectation mode.
  • Fixed an issue that allows to use more battle resurrections than it possible in current difficulty.
  • Fixed an issue due to which NPCs summoned with mount and did not disappear on the Cross Realm.
  • Added new models to the morpher.
  • Fixed an issue due to which player could fly inside instance while enter the dungeon on the fly mount.
  • Fixed reset of cooldowns in duel (FUN Realm).
  • Fixed work of disorienting effects on moving players, visually much less twitching.
  • and now will show right places on the map.
  • Fixed 4 reasons of server crash.

  • Fixed achievements with criteria that grant you credit for participate in a kill and not for the last strike.
  • Fixed conditions for resetting criteria.

Arenas and Battlegrounds:

  • Fixed calculation of rating/MMR for win or lose in arena match.

Temple of Kotmogu:

Instances and raids:

Siege of Orgrimmar:

Spells and talents:





Death Knight:


