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Update realms x100 and Fun to 5.4.2 client

After almost 3 weeks, after update x5 to 5.4.2 client, we are ready to update other realms.

Goal, that was set before x5, was achieved yesterday, we reached 5000 players online, nearly 5100 at peak, we hope it will be increased in the end of the week.

About update:

What you need to know:

After update we will save all on your characters, exceptions:

- Characters up to 10 level, inclusive, which haven't been playing for more than 2 months will be removed, if you need them , just go for them in the game.
- Currency, Conquest points and Valor points will be converted to Honor points , up to the limit in 4000 and the remainder over the cap currency will be converted into gold.
- Arena teams will be removed because of the introduction of a new system of Arena.
- All dungeons and spells cooldowns will be removed.

Information about connecting to 5.4.2:


Update 5.4.2 will be installed on x100 and Fun, 22.02.14 at 14:00 (GMT+4), but realms will be offline since 22th 08:00 (GMT+4).