Below you can see a list of changes, which were made on 5.4.2 for one week, from 12.02.14 to 18.02.14:
- Fix bug, when changes in Guild Emblem not saved.
- Fix show cooldowns for dungeons and raids in client interface.
- Fix bug, when items sent from auction, or from mail came broken.
- All libraries used by the core updated to the latest versions, should increase performance and stability.
- Fix 7 server crashes, another big step to stable work..
Dungeons and Raids:
Mogu'shan Vaults:
- Fix loot from all npc and bosses.
- Fix bug, when sometimes not works boss event The Spirit Kings.
- Fix bug, when can problem with 2 and 3 bosses and players can not kill their.
- Fix scaling health, armor, spell power from owner, also min. max. dmg for this demon servants:
Succubus and
- Fix bug, when spell
Hellfire not generate Demonic Fury and not correct atack targets.
- Fix spell
Demonic Fury.
- Fix bug, when spell
Grimoire of Sacrifice increased damage from spell
Drain Life.
- Now
Mastery: Master Demonologist affect the damage demon servants.
- Fix bug, when cooldown for spell
Dark Soul set to 20 sec., because of use talent
Archimonde's Darkness.
- Fix spell
Hand of Gul'dan.
- Fix bug, when players use spell
Metamorphosis, spell
Drain Life started to not work properly.
- Fix spell
- Fix spell
Spell Lock using by players, from
Grimoire of Sacrifice.
- Now spells
Fear and
Mesmerize have diminishing.
- Fix spell
- In 2 times reduced damage by spell
Rain of Fire, because have double tick.
- Fix
Glyph of Drain Life.
- Fix scaling from spell power for spell
Efflorescence, now 129%, before 169%.
- Fix
Glyph of the Cheetah.
- In 2 times reduced damage by spell
Blizzard, because have double tick.
- Fix
Glyph of the Monkey.
- Fix
Glyph of Illusion.
- Fix
Glyph of the Porcupine.
- Fix
Glyph of Leer of the Ox.
- Some changes for talent
- Fix bug, when spell
Mind Sear can use for yourself.
Dungeon finder:
- Fix bug, when after teleport to another location, visually disappeared registration on Dungeon finder.
- Now freeze at loading instance with using Dungeon finder, should occur less frequently.