Arena Spectator now have sections for every arena type (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5).
Added search for arena matches by nicknames of players.
Displaying of RBG matches.
Displaying of amount of active matches in the spectator.
Added possibility to spectate the battlegrounds.
Arena Spectator will now show the current progress of the bg (taked flags, points etc.).
Localization of the arena and BG spectator.
Saving of the chosen movement speed in the spectator mode.
Added possibility to create 1v1 matches.
Added commands for the 1v1 arena.
Renamed command wargame togle to wargame mode.
Alterac Valley - Fixed health points of the bosses.
Added commands for wargame arena:
.wargame queue - join the queue to 1v1 arena
.wargame togle 0\1 - disable or enable the possibility to take the Invitations to 1v1 wargame
.wargame Name - invite player Name (or target) to 1v1 wargame
Localization for names BG in DB.
Sendind the specialization and role of the player to the cross realm.
Sending the datas about BG to the game realm.
Fixed fall under the map on the Dalaran Arena.
Now player will summon the pet while resurrection.
Getting the datas about npc levels now work only for Alterac Valley.
Fixed displaying of the information about closing the BG.
Saving the real amount of kills in the stats.
Matches 1v1 will no longer give the Conquest Points.
Fixed displaying of the information about closing the 1v1 arena when not enough players.
Fixed displaying of errors while trying to cast in next cases:
if no reagents to cast;
list of other errors, exapmple -;
while trying to cast without needed item in hands;
already have a limit for these items;
while trying to cast far from the desired object;