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PandaWoW - 2019

PandaWoW Server Administration wishes everyone a Happy New Year 2019 and Merry Christmas!

Starting from today until 15.01.2019 (included) on our Control Panel the following promotions will be active on our server:

  • * During this promotion you will be able to restore your deleted characters free.
  • * All prices for items have been reduced by 20%.
  • * Now you will get additional 30% gold coins, donating by any way in Control panel (for example, if you will donate 100 gold coins, you get 130 coins on an account etc).
  • * Also removed bans for all locked accounts that have been banned for 1 month and less, in total 189 accounts have been unbanned. We hope that in the New Year you will not violate the server rules and receive bans.

And starting from January 3, you can take part in other contests and events: In-Game/Searching: "Agents of the Great Father Winter"
In-Game/PvP: "Defend the gifts"
In-Game/PvE: "Treats for Great Father Winter"

And a contest in social networks: PandaWoW VK Group.

We wish you all great holidays!