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Changes: April

Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in April. Some of the fixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.

Other Data Base fixes (quests, creatures, loot etc) you can look at this section (from 21.03.19).


April 04, 2019


  • Corrected display of message about inflicted damage by spells and abilities in melee range.
  • Fixed an issue which in some cases caused player to die upon relogging outside of combat.
  • Fixed rotation for summoned GameObjects.
  • Fixed an issue due to which visually elevators were in a different position for each player.
  • Fixed client freeze when next to a transport, which had incorrect values in database.
  • Fixed Deeprun Tram (Stormwind - Ironforge).
  • Fixed 1 reason of the server crash.

Arenas and Battlegrounds

  • Fixed an issue due to which alliance was displayed as horde, and horde as alliance.
  • Fixed an issue which caused early announcement of BG termination.
  • Fixed display of time spent in queue.




  • Possible correction for the issue due to which the target was considered as frozen for mage spells, while not even being under such effects.




Items and objects

Creatures and NPCs