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Pandawow 7 years!

We celebrate the seven-year anniversary of PandaWoW!

20th April 2013 year, 7 years ago, the first game server on our project was opened - PandaWoW x100, which is still working, and PandaWoW is the largest Mists of Pandaria russian server!

Over the years, the project has experienced many different events, there were times with a peak online of 14,000 people, and there were weekly offline due to powerful DDOS attacks on all our resources. We would like to thank everyone who has been with us all this time and continues to play on our project.

In connection with such a wonderful event, we would like to announce the promotions that will be active from 21.04.20 to 27.04.20:
  • 20% OFF for all items in the shop.
  • Now you will get additional 20% gold coins, donating by any way in Control panel (for example, if you will donate 100 gold coins, you get 120 coins on an account etc).
  • Vote will give you 50% more silver coins.

Thank you for staying with us, and good luck playing on PandaWoW.