Greetings to everyone who was waiting for these news!
This winter, together with the administration of WowCircle, we will open a new game realm and, perhaps, it's time to tell everyone more about it.
We have been preparing for this for a long time and have done a lot of work on our active x100 and xFUN realms, so the new game realm will definitely not be a disappointment, but for some it will most likely be a pleasant discovery!
We really hope that there will be many excited players to join the Mists of Pandaria among us and everyone will be able to find a cozy place here where to comfortably spend time and fully enjoy all the features this expansion has to offer.
We were often asked about this new game realm and now we can tell more about it and finally answer some of these questions. |

On our new game realm, the content of the Mists of Pandaria expansion will open in the same sequence as it was opened on the official server, which means that every player will be able to enjoy this content, visit the raids one by one to experience this content fully, which is no longer that popular on final patch, slowly gear up your character, changing from one set of equipment to another and slowly discover all of secrets and features Pandaria has to offer.
In addition to progressive raid opening, we will also follow the same schedule for unlocking new player zones, spells, storylines and other features of the expansion, so something new will appear in the game until the last patch!
Immediately at the opening, the introduction questline of the discovery of the continent of Pandaria and the continent itself will be available, including: |

9 new dungeons available on all difficulties, including challenge mode:
+ Updated Classic Dungeons, Available on Heroic Difficulty for
high level players, on normal mode - low level players:

6 Scenarios at once on Normal Mode:
Theramore's Fall
A Brewing Storm
Arena of Annihilation
Brewmoon Festival
Crypt of the Forgotten Kings
Greenstone Village
Unga Ingoo
And later, as the content opens, new scenarios and storylines will open up,
which you can go through and learn the history and secrets of the continent of Pandaria.

Two World Bosses:
In subsequent content updates, along with new player zones,
will be joined by Ondasta and Nalak.

New Arena & Battlegrounds:
Silvershard Mines
Temple of Kotmogu
Tol'viron Arena
Which will be added to the existing PvP zones and make the game more interesting.

On top of that, other Mists of Pandaria features will become available:
- Pet Battles:
- Ability to queue up for pet battles between players (PvP Pet battle)
- The ability to arrange battles with wild pets and collect them
in your collection upon victory.
- Possibility to raise your reputation with various factions of Pandaria: Anglers,
Tillers, The Lorewalkers and the ability to complete their tasks and receive new pets,
mounts and equipment.
Game realm rates: x5 for experience and x2 for everything else.
You can also change your personal experience rate yourself at any time using the .xp rate command from 1 to 5. |
New Game Realm type: PvE
In the first weeks, the new game realm will be PvE type of realm to allow everyone to slowly gear up and prepare for the upcoming challenges, but in the future we will create a poll, and you will be able to choose which type of game realm you prefer. |
At Start Cross-Server will not be available.
At the initial stage, the new game realm will not be connected to the cross-server, but once all stages of content discovery are revealed and players on all game realms will have the same access to content and equipment, this world will be added to queue together with x100 and Fun realms. |
The features that we love will remain!
The well known SoloQ 1x1 and 3x3 arenas, arena spectators and the possibility to enter the battlefields as opposite faction member will be available on the new game realm |
This is a new game realm, not a new separate project
This means that the new realm will be connected to our current control panel, forum, and in the game client, which just simply means that once you log in-game, you will be able to navigate between the new realm and current realms (xFun & x100). Which is great and means that all your characters will be in one place!
Thus, you can spend the currency of your control panel account on your characters on any of the realms, including the new game realm, although achievements and mounts will not be shared to other realms until the progress on these worlds is becomes equal.
Equal start for everyone!
Although you can use the currency of your control panel account on all game realms, at the start on new game realm everyone will be in an equal position: equipment and items that have not yet been added to the game will not be available in the store.
They will be added in control panel as soon as this content becomes available in the game.
Game client can be prepared right now!
You can download the full game client follwing our instruction "How to start play". |
New Realm Opening Date:
On 20.02.21 at 16:00 Moscow Time.