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Patch 5.2 content release.

Patch 5.2 content release.

Soon, a big update will be installed on the servers, and the content of add-on 5.2 will appear on the x5 game world, on which our developers are now working, and therefore it's time to tell in more detail about what will be waiting for you in the game. This content is already available on game worlds x100 and partially on FUN, but it will receive many fixes.

PvP: New Arena Season

With add-on 5.2, new equipment and weapons appear in the game, so when the update is installed, all characters on all realms will have arena ratings reset, and pvp currencies will be converted into gold

  • Conquest -> Honor
    All Conquest is converted to Honor.
  • Honor -> Gold
    Honor above the 4000 cap is converted to gold at a rate of 35 silver per point.

In addition, all chests received as a reward for completing Costom PvP missions will be converted into gold at the rate of 10 gold for 1 chest and removed from the characters' inventory.

Loot from chests for pvp tasks will be changed and supplemented with new equipment from the content that has appeared in the game, in addition, the conditions and requirements of some tasks will be changed according to the changed maximum characteristics of the characters.

The new arena season will begin at the same time on all realms on the day of the release of content 5.2, and the rules of the season will be slightly changed compared to the previous season. The x5 realm will still not be combined into a cross-realm with the x100 and FUN realms, we will talk about this in more detail later, and all players will be able to take part in a poll and express their opinion.

PvE: Challenge Season

Together with the PvP Seasons, we will begin the PvE Challenge Seasons: Groups that completed the Challenge Dungeons with the best time and ranked first in the leaderboard will receive a reward at the end of the Challenge Season, and the leaderboard will be completely reset. We will write more about the season, its rules and rewards later.

New zone: Isle of Thunder

Immediately after installing the update, a new zone will become available on the x5 game realm: Isle of Thunder, the starting chain in which will begin at the sanctuary of each of the factions in Pandaria, for the Alliance the chain starts with the quest Thunder Calls, which is issued by Lyalia in front of the Shrine of Seven Stars, and for the Horde - from the quest Thunder Calls, which can be obtained from Sunwalker Dezco near the Shrine of Two Moons.

A series of quests awaits you on the island, which opens access to the central part of it with a new world boss - Nalak, as well as new daily quests, scenarios, the continuation of the legendary series of Wrathion quests and the opportunity for Warlocks, get Sealed Tome of the Lost Legion and complete the Green Fire questline.

New zone: Isle of Giants

Also, after the update on x5 realm, the Isle of Giants will become available, where another world boss will appear a week after the update: Oondasta, whose characteristics and abilities will be enhanced in the first week.

Hunters will be able to get on this isle Ancient Tome of Dinomancy and learn how to tame Direhorns.
All other players will be able to collect on the isle Giant Dinosaur Bone and purchase a new mount for them: Reins of the Bone-White Primal Raptor

New Raid: Throne of Thunder

With this update, a new raid will appear in the game:, the entrance to which is guarded by Nalak on the Isle of Thunder. The first part of the raid will become available in normal mode on the day the update is released; but in the future, we will separately publish our plans with the schedule for the release of raid content.

General changes

Unlike PvP currencies, PvE currencies will not be reset, but the ethereals that offered to upgrade items using Valor or Justice Points have departed Azeroth for the moment and will only appear again with the content of add-on 5.3.

Zandalari forces have begun scouting the shores of Pandaria, searching for the perfect invasion point. The Zandalari can be found in Krasarang Wilds, Dread Wastes, Townlong Steppes, Jade Forest, and Kun-Lai Summit. Zandalari Scouts can be handled by 1 or 2 players, while elite Zandalari Warbringers will likely require a full party of 5 heroes. Defeat Warbringers to gain special drops, including crafting materials, reputation gains, an achievement, and even the chance to get one of three new rare mounts!

Three new spectral porcupine spirit beasts have appeared across Pandaria as tamable beasts.

New raid and PvP patterns have been added for leatherworkers and tailors, and Blacksmiths will be able to find a way to create Lightning Steel Ingots.

A few days before the release of the update, we will start preparing for it and the first changes will take effect this Wednesday - 25.08.
And the update itself will be installed on the game realms on September 1.