1 - 30 November 2021.


  • Fixed a bug due to which the bonuss roll window disappeared, and the roll itself was not made if the player was casting a spell at that moment.
  • Added the ability to visually hide the shield at the transmogrifier.
  • NPCs can now be party / raid members
  • Fixed freezing of the combat mode on training dummies if it was attacked by a player's pet.

Dungeons and Raids:

Classes & Spells:

  • Fixed a bug due to which the effect of spells Искажение времени, Героизм and similar ones did not overlap if several players applied them at the same time.
  • Fixed a problem with an inactive spell panel for enslaved demons after being stunned.
  • Fixed a bug due to which abilities that apply effects after dealing damage applied them when absorbing damage.
  • Healing spells with smart targeting mechanics now take priority over wounded players over pets.
  • Fixed diminishing for knockback spells.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the dot damage did not allow exiting combat mode on training dummies.
  • Spells Howling Blast, Поджигание, Жертвенный огонь and Испепеление now targets enemy in the area that is on the edge of the targets hitbox.



Death Knight


  • Fixed bug due to which the mage portals could be used in combat mode.

  • Fixed bug due to which the healing from the talent Дар Изеры did not take into account positive healing modifiers, such as PvP-strength, when healing allies.
  • Fixed bug due to which the PvP set bonus Смена облика - ускорение started acting with only one item from the set, instead of two.


  • Damage to spirits summoned by a spell Storm, Earth, and Fire is now dynamically scaled from the characteristics of the monk, and is not remembered at the time of the call.
  • Fixed bug due to which the spirits from the ability Буря, земля и огонь when called, they could fall under texture.




Objects & items: