Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in July. Some of the fixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.
June 15 - August 3
- Fixed problems with the movement of summoned creatures on transport - they could run away.
- Fixed the loss of NPCs on transport after the restart.
- Fixed getting a reputation on a Timeless Isle.
- Fixed summoning of GO on the transport, for example Большое пандаренское угощение.
- Fixed work of the raid marks on the transport.
- Fixes on the visibility of objects that should be visible on the entire map. This, first of all, corrects the gates on the battlegrounds, which remained visually intact.
- Correction for criteria for PvE statistics - it should count kills only for the current difficulty.
Arena & Battlegrounds:
- Strand of the Ancients: the gates can no longer be destroyed before the battle begins.
- Strand of the Ancients: fixed remaining problems with ships. Players are now always appear on the ship.
- Fixed texts on the Isle of Conquest.
- Fixed texts on the Strand of the Ancients.
- Silvershard mines - Fixed texts.
- A separate queue for premade groups has been removed, the maximum number of players to register as a premade group is 3, and the limit of no more than 1 premade group for each side on the battleground has also been preserved.
- Fixed an issue due to which when leaving the arena before the end of the battle, a player could lose rating several times.
Instances & Raids:
- Fixed issue which allowed player to receive heroic achievements on flex.
- Fixed the limit on the maximum number of targets for some spells of players in flexible raids.
- Fixed a problem when, after a relogue on a ship in Siege of Orgrimmar, a player appeared in an unknown place
- Fixed the teleportation from a ship to the Vault of Y'Shaarj.
- Proving Grounds - Fixed a bug due to which a buff Присутствие Сюэня: чародейская гениальность in some cases, it was not applied on the player.
- Fixed searching for new players if anyone leaved LFG group.
- Siege of Orgrimmar:
- Fallen Protectors (Хэ Легкая Нога):
- Fixed removal of Пагубный яд after the bosses defeated.
- Fixed usage of Столкновение
- Attempt to fix a bug with death Хэ Легкая Нога when he has 1 hp remaining.
- Ша Гордыни:
- Fixed Проявление гордыни in flexible raids and LFR.
- Fixed corrupted Sha prison.
- Fixed the number of prisons Пленение in a flexible raid - now there will always be 2.
- Trapped Player will no longer be damaged/knockbacked by Corrupted Prison Activation Damage
- fix for norushen's quotes during sha of pride encounter
- Added Sha of Fear Quotes / Spell Announcements During Encounter
- Corrected Target Amount for Знак самонадеянности on all raid difficulties
- Corrected Target Amount for Последнее желание on all raid difficulties
- Corrected Target Amount for Дар титанов on all raid difficulties
- Boss will kill all mind controlled player upon evading / dying
- Implemented correct use of Атака издалека against tank who thinks he is safe while sitting out of boss melee range
- Evade Boss if nobody in combat with him is in his room to prevent exploit the encounter
- Encounter spells can only remain on player while he is inside the raid (once he leaves he loses it).
- Legendary Questline Items: Titan Runestones / Secrets of the First Empire have a 100% drop chance from Sha of Pride
- Attempt to fix bugging Сила титанов
- Fixed ability to activate Оскверненная тюрьма
- Fixed energy color.
- Слияние скверны:
- Players with the tank role are now able to face the challenge inside Test of Confidence (Test of Confidence)
- Fixed broken NPC animations for Manifestation of Corruption
- Healers can now complete their challenge in test of reliance (Test of Reliance)
- Fixed re-calculation for auras Страж & Боец
- Fixed portal
- Ordos:
- Changed respawn time to 4 hours
Classes and spells:
- Fixed saving some buffs that were applied on the battlefield/arena, for example Смертоносный яд, Морозный доспех and similar.
- Fixed a bug due to which pet's spell power was not updated when the owner's spell power was changed by some effects, such as Чародейская гениальность.
- Fixed cast time calculation, blizzlike logic from the game client. This, for example, shoild fix issues with Кобальтовая осколочная бомба, Замораживающая граната, Кобальтовая осколочная бомба и др.
- Fixed movement Пламя Галакронда
- Reworked Символ мастера врат
- Fixed a bug that caused some of the pet's abilities, for example Бодрящие споры , Объятия сланцевого паука couldn't be used.
- Fixed abilities Бодрящие споры spam by pet.
- Fixed the range of the effect of slowing down from the trap Ледяная ловушка.
- Fixed glyph Символ ледяной ловушки.
- Fixed the target selection radius between the hunter and the main target of the ability Мощный выстрел
- Fixed exlpoit with set bonuses Быстрая стрельба, Скорострельность бойца - дополнительный эффект and "Item - Hunter T14 4P Bonus" (Item - Hunter T14 4P Bonus).
- Fixed a bug where some enchantments for items could give 1 unit of characteristics less than they should be.
- Fixed a bug that caused during the action Плащ Теней the effect of slowing down from the hunter's trap Ледяная ловушка could affect the rogue.
- Fixed a bug due to which when using Нитроускорители and Внезапный порыв some other effects that increase the speed of movement ceased to be taken into account.
- Fixed a bug due to which during the cast of Arcane Missiles (Чародейские стрелы) the "Arcane Charge" effect (Чародейский заряд) was not applied, if the spell was used repeatedly.
- Fixed the radius of the effect on the area from the spell Буря Пустоты.
- Damage of the effect on the area from the spell Буря Пустоты is now correctly 85% of the original against the players.
- Fixed base damage for pet's spell Водяная стрела.
- Changed Чародейский обстрел spell script:
- Additional bolts will no longer choose the enemy under control effects, if damage caused may interrupt the effect.
- Additional bolts will no longer choose the totems.
- If the spell was redirected using Тотем заземления and analogues, then additional bolts will not be launched at these enemy targets.
- Fixed a bug due to which spell Чародейские стрелы could be interrupted when used against hunter under the Сдерживание effect.
- Нитроускорители can no longer be used while the Тигриное рвение is in effect.
- Fixed overestimated damage of the Treants summoned by the ability Сила Природы in the guardian specialization.
- Fixed exploit with bonus set "Item - Druid T8 Feral 4P Bonus" (Item - Druid T8 Feral 4P Bonus).
- Control effects, for example Смерч will no longer stop the warrior during the Рывок or Героический прыжок.
- When using Приказание демону if the target is out of the pet's field of view, then now the pet will start moving towards it and automatically apply the ability when it is possible.
- Fixed the display of the cooldown time Приказание демону, if the pet's ability was applied from its spell panel.
- Fixed a bug that caused the talent effect Стойкость тотемов in some cases, it might not work.
Items and Objects:
- Fixed item Камень врат
- Fixed exchange of Необычные бронзовые часы to Необычные бронзовые часы while faction change.
Batle pets:
- Fixed battle pets abilities: &
- Fixed abilities: &
- Fixed ability
- Fixed ability
- Fixed ability damage
- Fixed interface crash while using following abilities:
- Corrections to the selection of targets for the abilities of pets, including for abilities acting on the group.
- Fixed target selection for
- Fixed
- Corrections for
- Fixed target selection for
NPC and Creatures:
- [MoP] Fixed Рывок быка
- [MoP] Corrections for Адъюнкт Кри'зот
- [MoP] Scripted & Corrected positions Архиерей пламени
- [MoP] Rescripted & Corrected positions Повелитель кремня Гайран
- [MoP] Rescripted & Corrected Ordon Sanctuary and the Blazing Way. Added emotions, auras, all waypoints:
- Горящий берсерк
- Вечный хранитель обжигающего огня
- Охваченный пламенем зачаровыватель
- [MoP] Different loot for the first and subsequent kills of Повелитель кремня Гайран and Урдур Прижигатель
- [MoP] Fixed Призрак Линь Да-Гу
- [MoP] Fixed Торговец Тантан
- Marine NPCs (fish) will no longer come ashore to the player
- [MoP] Fixed Велбиз Веселый Свист
- [MoP] Fixed immun for Хваткая лягушка
- [MoP] Fixed immunes for varuios NPCs in Pandaria.
- [MoP] Rescripted Финь Длинная Лапа
- [MoP] Fixed quest Видение во времени
- [MoP] Fixed factions for quests Путешествие на Вневременный остров and Путешествие на Вневременный остров
- Skinning:
- Fixed a bug that sometimes made it impossible to skin NPCs
- Archeology:
- Loot despawn time is now 10 minutes, instead of 8 hours + fixed the position of the binoculars
- Fixed Усмири свою гордыню