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Easter event and PandaWoW 10th Anniversary!

Easter event and world boss!






On the eve of the server's birthday and on the occasion of the Easter holidays from April 15 to 21, a new world boss will appear in the game every day, for defeating which you can get unique shirts for your characters, mounts, companions and toys, as well as gold and silver coins for the our Web and in-game Store! On PandaWoW's birthday, the chance of dropping the most valuable items from the boss will be increased!


  • All these days there will be 30% OFF discounts on all products in our store, so it will be even more profitable to spend the received coins!
  • Also a buffs Взгляд Черного принца & Доблестное сердцеwill also be in effect all week, which will allow you to faster receive reputation with the Black Prince and get items and coins for the legendary questline.
  • Everyone who entered the game these days will be given a free 90lvl character boost!



DAILY EVENT at 17:00


Every day at 17:00 Server time Aysa Cloudsinger (pandaren npc) spawns here:




There are 3 event rounds, eggs for this event spawn randomly in this area:




After 30 minutes NPC announces 10 first players who answrered correctly as winners in chat and gives 100 pandawow gold coins


Easter Boss


The Ancient Collectors are planning to take the power than lies within the sacred pools of Easter Cave. Our scouts report that they will arrive at 20:00 Server Time. You need to stop them! Speak with Ji Firepaw at the event's location to start the encounter.





Festive events and discounts will be valid until April 21!