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Mogu'shan Vaults - heroic mode + LFR




Mogu'shan Vaults in heroic mode + LFR first wing



This Wednesday, November 15 with the server restart the first wing of the raid "Mogu'shan Vaults" - Guardians of Mogu'shan - will become available in looking for raid system.

And later, at 16:00 GMT, "Mogu'shan Vaults" will become available in heroic mode.


Just like last time, all those who defeat the final boss in heroic mode in the first week after the opening of this difficulty will receive additional loot: a special mount that for some time will be your exclusive.

This mount is different from the version from the normal difficulty!


We inform all those who are not familiar with our system of raid lockouts: we use a system now that offers player to do the same raid 3 times:

  • 10 Normal & 25 Normal is a shared lockout
  • 10 Heroic & 25 Heroic is shared lockout
  • LFR


And on November 22, the second half of the raid will be available in the raid finder system (LFR: "The Vaults of Mysteries").