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Changes: January

Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in January. Some of the fixes below have been known for some time, some have come into effect with the last restart of the realm. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.





December 28 - January 29





  • Fix new mounts displaying in in-game Shop.
  • Fixed the display of receiving currency for the first time (if the character has never received it before).
  • Fixed one reason caused the falling under textures.
  • Fixed few reasons caused the server to crash.


Arena & Battlegrounds:


  • PvP missions:
    • 3v3 Arena Victory quests no longer count 3v3 SoloQ wins. The required number of wins has also been reduced from 30/40/50/60 to 20/30/40/50.
    • Changed amount of Conquest Points in chests from PvP missions:
      • Little Gladiator's Chest: from 35 to 70 (was from 50 to 100)
      • Gladiator's Chest: from 50 to 100 (was from 100 to 150)
      • Big Gladiator's Chest: from 100 to 200 (was from 150 to 250)
  • For winning the SoloQ 3v3 arena, players now receive 120 Conquest Points (was 180).
  • The required 3x3 arena rating for purchasing premium weapon enchantments from NPCs has been reduced (it was 2,200, now 2,000).
  • Fixed an issue where in some cases spells in the arena could be applied through textures.
  • Dalaran Arena is back!
  • Added 2 new arenas:
  • Battle for Gilneas:
    • Added invisible textures near the houses at the Waterworks to prevent climbing on the roof.


Instances & Raids: