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5.2 The Thunder King Patch




We are glad to announce that on February 21, the content of the 5.2 Patch will be opened on the x100 realm! Below are all the changes that will occur on this day and in the future while this patch is active:


New arena season and new PvP equipment


On the opening day of the Patch, new PvP gear sets will be available in the game, which means that we will start a new arena season. All ratings and Conquest Points will be reset:

  • Conquest -> Honor
    All Conquest is converted to Honor.
  • Honor -> Gold
    Honor above the 4000 cap is converted to gold at a rate of 35 silver per point.
  • All chests received as a reward for completing Costom PvP missions will be converted into gold at the rate of 10 gold for 1 chest and removed from the characters' inventory.


In addition, there will be several more changes regarding PvP:

The previous arena season will end a week earlier - on February 14th. The ratings on this day will be fixed in the tables, but not reset, and the results will be counted and awards for the first season will be given out during the week. The conquest points will also not be reset, the reset will only happen after a week.


And during the off-season, changes will be made to dumping in the 2x2 arena: if there are healers in both teams, dumping will be activated from the start of the arena. If the players like this change, we will leave it for good.


In addition, with the start of the new season, PvP arena missions will be disabled. The NPC that issues these tasks will disappear from the game for several weeks, so have time to complete your active tasks before February 21.


New Challenge season


Of course, the first challenge season will be completed and the new season will begin.


New game zone: Isle of Giants


Also, on February 21, the Isle of Giants will be available, where a week later, on February 28, another world boss will appear: which will be in a more complicated version in the first week.


New game zone - Isle of Thunder and new raid - Throne of Thunder

This island will also be available to players on February 21, and a week later, on February 28, the world boss from this island will also be available -

Isle of Thunder - is a story zone, and it will open gradually, going through all the stages of the plot. With each new stage, the gates will open in a new part of the island, where new quests and scenarios will be waiting for you. At the same time, the gates to the Nalak will be open from the day of his appearance in the game, you can get to him through the Shado-Pan cave and the summoning stone near the raid.
The starting quest chain to the isle will begin at the Shrine of each faction in Pandaria: for the Alliance the chain starts with the quest, which is issued by in front of the Shrine of Seven Stars, and for the Horde - from the quest, which can be obtained from near the Shrine of Two Moons.


The new raid, the Throne of Thunder, will open on March 6.

It will also be possible to get into the raid through the Shado-Pan cave and the summoning stone near the portal to the raid, regardless of the stage at which the island is being opened.

Other important changes


PvE currencies will not be reset, but the ethereals that offered to upgrade items using Valor or Justice Points have departed Azeroth for the moment and will only appear again with the content of add-on 5.3.

New raid and PvP patterns have been added for leatherworkers and tailors, and Blacksmiths will be able to find a way to create Lightning Steel Ingots. Defeat bosses in the raids of previous patches and create the most valuable reagents of the professions and collect all the recipes.