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PandaWoW 11 Years Anniversary. New event boss and discounts



On April 20, our server celebrates its 11th Anniversary. All these 11 years we have been developing and giving you new impressions of an old and familiar game. Celebrate with us!


  • From April 20 to May 5, 25% discounts on ALL items and services will be available in Control Panel.
  • Also a buffs which will allow you to receive reputation with the Black Prince and get items and coins for the legendary questline faster will also be in effect all that time.
  • Everyone who entered the game these days will be given a free 90lvl character boost!
    To get a free character boost to lvl 90, you need to log in to the game and select a free character boost in the in-game store. After that, it can be used on any character in the character selection menu (the free character boost to lvl 90 does not include professions boost, if the character already has them, or getting new ones).


In addition, you will be able to take part in a battle with a new boss and receive an additional reward twice a day, from which you can get our new magic shirts, visual enchantments and new mounts, and for completing the quest for killing this boss, you will be able to get another unique mount created specifically for this day.


The boss will appear twice a day at 14:00 and 20:00 server time in Kun-Lai Summit:
