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Changelog #2 on 5.4.8 from 10.06.14

This latest update which was prepared in collaboration with a team of WoW Circle, over the next updates we will work independently, but the partnership in the form of an trade some fixes continues, in order to more effectively combat competitors.

Below you can see a changelog, which was made on 5.4.8 for 2.5 weeks, from 09.21.14 to 10.06.14:

Status: applied on all realms.


- Fixed the multi-mounts (for example: Obsidian Nightwing).
- Fixed a bug where the character's name when you add in the guild / friends list, etc could be formed incorrectly and the message that the character is not found.
- Fixed autoloot.
- Fixed appointment of assistant leader of the group.
- Optimized code for packets server <> client.
- Fixed display HP for object(for example gates on BG).
- Fixed reset threat after combat.
- Fixed logic for select targets to attack (for example: fixed AI for training dummy).
- Fixed all opcodes for vehicle.
- Fixed frames in group.
- Fixed display gender of character in a group.
- Fixed guild bank log.
- Fixed 2 reason of server crash.

Dungeons and Raids:

- Fixed creature for normal mode in TBC instances + Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep.
- Fixed exploit with last boss in ToC.
- Fixed client crash in ICC.
- Changes in AI and vehicles for boss Galleon.
- Fixed bug, when in instances before MoP, do not check the player's level and the presence of the achievements (where required).
- Fixeg bug, when after teleport with LFG, have client freeze.
- Now if you can not enter in instance, you can see notification.


- Fixed mount Traveler's Tundra Mammoth and analogues, now the NPC is not visually fly from him.
- Fixed exploit with items Potion of the Mountains and Elixir of Minor Defense many armor).
- Fixed exploit with stuck effects of the alchemical brew.
- Added in the necessary data for the Master of Alchemy Pandaria transmutation, Master of Elixirs and Potions Master.

Arena and BG:

- Fixed display statistics in the arena and RBG, when look other players.
- Fixed bug, when after end BG still have group frame.
- Fixed bug with factions on RBG.
- Fixed chat on BG.
- 5x5 arena type excluded from the calculation of the cap currency.
- Now in chat shows those who came and went with BG.
- Fixed random client crash after look BG statistics.
- Fixed bug, when in some times, client can freeze after teleport to arena.

- Temple of Kotmogu:
* Now when a player dead with have a sphere, a hostile team gets 20 points.
* Fixed stuck a spheres.
* Fixed a number of points for the retention of the sphere.
* Now you can not cast a mount or stealth if you keep the scope.
* Fixed a refresh timer spheres.



- Fixed bug, when after use spells Nature's Swiftness + Cyclone, duration in pvp for Cyclone was 9 seconds and not 6.
- Fixed Solar Beam in symbiosis.
- Fixed Treants damange.
- Fixed interaction spell Shooting Stars with Starsurge.
- Now change shapeshifting frees the caster of complicating effects of movement.
- Moonkin Form now increase armor by 100%.
- Some changes for spell Wild Mushroom
* Fixed number of mushrooms produced with use glyph Glyph of the Sprouting Mushroom not exist before restrictions).
* Now mushrooms properly disappear after use Wild Mushroom: Bloom.
* Fixed interaction spell Rejuvenation and Glyph of Efflorescence.
* Fixed HP.


- Fixed heal from spell Soul Link.
- Fixed interaction spell Havoc with spells Shadowburn, Mortal Coil, Conflagrate + changes for Havoc(maybe need more fixes).
- Fixed Glyph of Falling Meteor.
- Fixed bug, when buff Backlash removed, if proc with cast Incinerate.
- Fixed damange and mana cost for spell Fel Flame.
- Fixed talent Harvest Life.
- Now Immolate accumulates Burning Embers if damage is critical.
- Fixed Glyph of Havoc.
- Fixed spell Chaotic Energy.


- Fixed spell Mastery: Shadowy Recall.
- Now if spell Purify apply to target, on which there is no disease or negative magical effects, he goes on GCD, before have been cd 8 sec.
- Fixed animation for talent Angelic Feather.
- Fixed Glyph of Mind Spike.
- Fixed bug, when Holy Word: Chastise removed chakras from opponents.
- Changes for talents Psyfiend.
- Fixed visual part and distance for spell Divine Star.


- Fixed spell Steady Focus.
- Fixed visual effects when throwing traps.
- Steady Shot / Cobra Shot now restore concentration hunter immediately after casting, not after hitting the target.
- Master Marksman now works with 50% probability immediately after casting the spell Steady Shot, not after hitting the target.
- Fixed duration in pvp for spell Widow Venom.
- Fixed bug, when Widow Venom can stuck with spell Monstrous Bite.
- Fixed Glyph of Distracting Shot.


- Fixed bug, when Uplift heal all targets in range, and not only those on which a Healing Mist.
- Fixed damange and to the selection of targets for the spell Chi Wave.
- Fixed parry for spell Swift Reflexes.
- Fixed Glyph of Paralysis.
- Fixed animation for spell Healing Sphere.
- Fixed rules for proc Muscle Memory.
- Fixed regeneration for chi energy.

Death Knight:

- Now the shadow part of spell Scourge Strike ignore resilience.
- Summon Gargoyle now scaling mastery and crit, also fixed AI.
- Fixed bug, when Unholy Frenzy can not be remove.
- Now with use spell Asphyxiate, if the target is not susceptible to stun, spell makes her dumbness.
- Fixed Glyph of Strangulate.
- Fixed Glyph of the Loud Horn.
- Fixed Glyph of Death's Embrace.


- Fixed visual and radius for spell Rune of Power.
- Fixed interaction spell Pyroblast with Presence of Mind.
- Fixed problem with stucks for talent Ice Floes.
- Fixed bug, when Heating Up or Pyroblast! could simultaneously proc (both mages) from getting to the other caster mage.
- Fixed Glyph of Rapid Displacement.


- Fixed bug, when Mastery: Executioner not increase damage for Eviscerate.
- Fixed bug, when bonus damage from Glyph of Hemorrhaging Veins and Sanguinary Vein stuck with spell Eviscerate.
- Now heal from spell Recuperate use pvp power, for calculation.
- Fixed bug, when talent Cloak and Dagger not work with talent Subterfuge.


- Now if use spell Overpower, CD for Mortal Strike now reduced by 0.5 seconds.
- Fixed bug, where rage could build up even if the auto attack does not hit the target.
- Fixed resurrection warrior in proto spec.
- Fixed damange for spell Ambush.


- Fixed bug, when after use spell Lava Burst and simultaneous proc Lava Surge, after cast can not be cast Lava Burst instantly.
- Fixed Glyph of Healing Storm.
- Fixed damage for spell Elemental Blast.


- Now Avenger's Shield give 1 Holy Power, when use with proc Grand Crusader.
- Fixed resurrection paladin in proto spec.
- Fixed regeneration for Holy Power.

Spells, general:

- Fixed race spell Blood Fury.
- Fixed animation for areatrigger spells.
- Changes for spell log.
- Fixed client crash due pets or vehicle spells.
- Fixed client crash when interaction monk and hunter.

Fixed quests:

The Smallest Creatures
Welcome to the Jungle
Going Deep
Thrusting Hodir's Spear
Heroes of Darrowshire
A Deserter
A Tale of Valor
Cleaning House
To the Hilt!
Alpha Worg
Heroes of Darrowshire
Beat it Out of Them
Nobody to Blame but Myself
Blending In
Thrusting Hodir's Spear
No Escape
Taking on All Challengers
Do the Honors
Blood of the Barrens
Into The Wild Green Yonder
Patching Up
Bring Down Those Shields
Foundation for Revenge
Off the Wall!
Harpy Lieutenants
The End Time
Find Baron Longshore
Gifts of the Great Crane
Hoofing It
The Beginner's Brew
Behind Our Lines
The Ruins of Guo-Lai
The Mogu's Message
Haohan's Vote II: The Real Culprits
Do a Barrel Roll!
Kypari Zar
Reclaiming Ahn'Kahet
Apply Directly to the Forehead
The Faceless Ones
Pupil No More
Lao-Chin's Gambit
The Heart of the Matter
Thunder Down Under
The Great Water Hunt
A Second Hand
Bind the Glamour
Preserved in Amber
Concentrated Fear
Back in Yak
A Very Special Cloth
Challenge Accepted
Barrels of Fun
The Burlap Trail: To Kota Basecamp
Staying Connected
A Witness to History
Unbidden Visitors
The Fledgling Colossus
Bouquets of Death
Neferset Prison
Emergency Response
Boom Bait
Word on the Street
The Wrath of Shek'zeer
Dousing the Flames of Protection

Fixed npcs/objects:

A Very Special Cloth
Silithyst Geyser
Cerellean Whiteclaw
Gidwin Goldbraids
Siegemaster Fezzik
Olga Runesworn
Lead Prospector Durdin
Kand Sandseeker
Siegemaster Fezzik
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon
Harrison Jones
Watch Wind Rider
Marley Twinbraid
Wounded Bael'dun Officer
Tarenar Sunstrike
Deactivated War Construct
Gortok Palehoof
Elder Fisherman Rassan
John "Big Hook" Marsock
Angler Shen
Krom'zar's Banner
Balgor Whipshank
Airman Skyhopper
Torg Drakeflayer
Osul Treelauncher
Lieutenant Sinclari
Duke Ragereaver
Kaz'tik the Manipulator
Frost Leopard
Mistfall Villager
Sra'thik War Wagon
Leven Dawnblade
Spiny Tidecrawler
Elder Sage Rain-Zhu
Hei Feng
Anduin Wrynn
Tenebron Egg Controller
Ik-Ik the Nimble

Do not forget to clear the cache of the game after the update.

Ik-Ik the Nimble
Level 90 Humanoid (Rare)