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November 24, 2017, 3:24 PM

New forum design

Finally, we have finished working on a new design of the forum. If you find any bugs, please write them here: Suggestions here: Also, if you don't like the new theme, you can choose the old one yourself in the settings. Read more
November 24, 2017, 3:12 PM

Changelog #20 for 5.4.8 on 2017-11-17

Below there is a changelog, which was made at 5.4.8 for the last 4 months, from 19.07.17 till 17.11.17: Status: applied. General: Added NPC which allows to change the appearance of weapon enchants for rating, honor points and conquest points. Fixed an issue when new pets could not have full HP after summoning. Added button "Show all items... Read more
October 12, 2017, 3:52 PM

PandaWoW Launcher

We have just finished development of PandaWoW Launcher and we are glad to release it. All information is published on the forum: PandaWoW Launcher Read more
October 1, 2017, 6:16 PM

Moving to a new Data Center

Hello, as you may have noticed, recently we often have problems with the servers. This is due to DDOS attacks. Unfortunately, in the realities of the current data center, we can't deal with it, due to the fact that even with small DDOS activity, the Data Center itself automatically enable a traffic filtering system that should help, but it only exacerbates... Read more
July 20, 2017, 4:15 PM

Changelog #19 for 5.4.8 on 2017-07-19

Read on the forum Below there is a changelog, which was made at 5.4.8 for the last 3 months, from 11.04.17 till 19.07.17: Status: applied. General: Fixed two ways for bug the action bar and spells.Fixed bug where sometimes spells couldn't stand in a queue.Fixed a bug with pet, when it was summoned at the logout and then were deleted... Read more
May 27, 2017, 12:06 PM

Changes to bonus system in control panel

Hello, dear players. We're planning on a global update during next week, as a result there will be 2 different currencies in control panel: Gold and Silver coins. Silver coins () - You can receive these coins by voting, competitions / events etc. You can use them for: Purchasing different character services, items... Read more
January 8, 2017, 12:57 PM

Changelog #17 for 5.4.8 on 2016-12-29

Below you can see the changelog, which were made on 5.4.8 for 2.5 last months, from 13.10.16 to 29.12.16: Status: applied for all realms. General: - Fixed a common problem when doors didn't open after killing the bosses in some dungeons. - Fixed saving of resources (mana, energy, etc) after the death. - Fixed the definition of the... Read more
January 8, 2017, 12:53 PM

New Year 2017

PandaWoW server administration congratulates all players and guests of the forum with the New 2017 Year and Christmas and wish all good holiday weekend! This is the fourth New Year, which our project celebrates, and by the tradition we are launching a series of Christmas events in which you can take part and get as a reward for the prize bonuses... Read more
November 16, 2016, 8:24 AM

Changelog #16 for 5.4.8 on 2016-10-12

Changelog for the last 2 months: 2016-08-16 to 2016-10-12. Status: applied for all realms. General: - A lot of optimizations to core code, it should increase a performance and stability of the server. - Improved definition of boundaries for play areas / maps. - Updated and improved the checks for internal anticheat, tightened criteria... Read more
August 19, 2016, 5:50 AM

Summer promotions

Pandawow administration congratulates its dear players with the end of the summer vacation and the early start of the school year. We are launching the campaign which you can fully enjoy in the last 2 weeks of the summer vacation. Beginning from 17th of August, 2016 till 31th of August, 2016 in the control panel, we launched the following promotions... Read more