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February 17, 2014, 1:12 PM

Update realms x100 and Fun to 5.4.2 client

After almost 3 weeks, after update x5 to 5.4.2 client, we are ready to update other realms. Goal, that was set before x5, was achieved yesterday, we reached 5000 players online, nearly 5100 at peak, we hope it will be increased in the end of the week. About update: What you need to know: After update we will save all on your characters,... Read more
February 17, 2014, 8:46 AM

Characters transfer and promotions on PandaWoW x5

Dear players, we decided to start characters transfer from other servers and increase XP rates on PandaWoW 5. In the period from 17.02.14 to 24.02.14 rates on PandaWoW x5 is increased - now х10. Requirements to character transfer: Total online on the server must be more than 1000 players. Server version should be 5.0.5 or higher. Your character... Read more
February 15, 2014, 1:00 PM

PandaWoW on Facebook

From today, PandaWoW has its own page on facebook: We will publish all the news from the life of a project on it, like in a group on vkontakte: But all information on it will be on English language, with a focus on this audience. But you can also ask your questions in... Read more
February 14, 2014, 4:42 PM

A new payment system and ratings for voting

We finished testing a new system for buy bonuses on your account, meet - Paymentwall, with its help, you can now buy bonuses from anywhere in the world. For each country are available variety of payment options, from bank cards and electronic currencies, to sms. Address this page: (you need enter to control... Read more
February 12, 2014, 5:19 PM

A multilanguage players support and new version of a control panel

From today, we are expanding our geography for players support on PandaWoW and we are releasing new version of the control panel. Let's start from the multilanguage players support on a site and a game: English versions are implemented: The site: A forum: Read more
February 11, 2014, 8:10 AM

List of changes #2 on 5.4.2 from 11.02.14

Below you can see a list of changes, which were made on 5.4.2 for one week, from 05.02.14 to 11.02.14: General: - Implement work game event: Love is in the Air. - Fix bug, when players can lose donate items from control panel after server crash. - Try to fix link professions in chat, (not full finish, still have random problem). - Fix bug,... Read more
February 4, 2014, 3:16 PM

List of changes #1 on 5.4.2 from 04.02.14

In the first update after the release of 5.4.2 on x5, emphasis was placed on fixing the problems in the mechanics of the game and to build server stability, because of this this list doesn't contain a lot of fixes from spells and instances, but we have fixed many important and critical moments, which are now more important. Below you can see a list... Read more
January 28, 2014, 12:12 PM

Finish update x5 to 5.4.2

Couple of hours ago x5, has been successfully updated to support the new patch 5.4.2 , we want to congratulate all players on the project, we had been going to this for a long time and finally it happened. For more information about update and release time of this project on other worlds, you need to visit this forum thread: http://forum.pandawow... Read more
January 24, 2014, 2:40 PM

Переход на 5.4.2

Спустя почти 4 месяца разработки и после 2х месяцев периодов ЗБТ и ОБТ, мы готовы назвать дату релиза патча 5.4.2 на основных игровых мирах, но об этом ниже. Предисловие: Сначала хотелось бы подвести итоги периодов ЗБТ и ОБТ, было исправлено более 1000 баг-репортов по всем аспектам игры, большинство из них было составлено нашими игроками, за что... Read more
December 23, 2013, 11:01 AM

Новогодние конкурсы и акции от PandaWoW

Здравствуйте, уважаемые игроки, спешим обрадовать вас акциями и конкурсами к новому году. Форум: - Конкурс: "Новогодние рисунки", подробнее тут: - Конкурс: "Письмо деду морозу", подробнее тут: - Конкурс поэтов, подробнее тут... Read more