Below you can see the changelog, which were made on 5.4.8 for 2.5 last months, from 13.10.16 to 29.12.16:
Status: applied for all realms.
- Fixed a common problem when doors didn't open after killing the bosses in some dungeons.
- Fixed saving of resources (mana, energy, etc) after the death.
- Fixed the definition of the main stats by specialization for Enhancement Shaman and Mistweaver Monk.
- Fixed problems with obtaining the achievements, where the criterion devided Horde and Alliance (for example: "Trick or Treat" in Azeroth).
- Fixed damage calculation for the attacks by left hand for mobs.
- Fixed DynamicObject displaying in whichever is player friendly to DynObject's owner or not (for example: Smoke Bomb).
- Visibility is now updated in a radius of 10 meters, once per second, rather than by overall timing for players who have stealth \ invisibility.
- Fixed a possible exploit with farming of honorable kills at momentary resurrection.
- Now with the successful roll of bonus loot better things might be dropped.
- Pets will now properly receive Melee, Ranged, Spell Hit rating from owner with their's calling and with updating of these ratings by the owner.
- Fixed an invite to the chat channel and displaying of the players in the channel.
- Added rewards for achievements:
The Zandalari Prophecy,
Rumbles of Thunder,
Gods and Monsters.
- Fixed the achievements:
Explore Southern Barrens,
20 Dungeon Quests Completed,
E'ko Madness.
- Improved the logic of inclusion seasonal quests (such as the Darkmoon Faire).
- Fixed a calculation of the energy regeneration from the haste.
- Fixed handling of criteria for some achievements in the dungeons.
- Fixed loading of mobs equipment from the last Pandaria content.
- Fixed bugs with raid profiles.
- Fixed performance of seasonal quests that do not require any conditions (just to accept it and to complete) if the character have doing the quest in the past year.
- Fixed a calculation of the attack speed for hunter's pets and for DK's ghouls.
- Fixed 6 reasons of server crash.
Instances and raids:
Siege of Orgrimmar:
- Norushen:
* Fixed an exploit with
Corrupción aura.
* Fixed
Manifestación de la corrupción mob spawn from
* Fixed timer of
Ráfaga de ira.
- Sha of Pride:
* Fixed an exploit with
Orgullo aura.
- Iron Juggernaut:
* Fixed damage done to player from Crawler Mine Blast.
* Fixed spawn of Crawler Mine in siege mode.
- Thok the Bloodthirsty:
* Fixed a bug with energy boost.
* Fixed
Aceleración aura reset at the beginning of 2nd phase.
* Fixed a bug, when trash before a boss could resurrect in 5 minutes after its death.
* Fixed a bug, when boss stayed in chains after wipe and instance reload.
* Added loot.
* Fixed boss health amount for 25 people mode.
* Fixed possibility to get keys from cages at 25 people mode.
- Galakras:
Flames of Galakrond now will be applyed at random player, not depending on distance.
- Immerseus:
* Boss will interrupt casting spells.
* Fixed a bug, when Contaminated Puddle and Sha Puddles moved slowly.
* Fixed possibility to heal Contaminated Puddle by Monk spheres.
* Fixed decreasing damage of
Sha en erupción depending on puddles health amount.
* Fixed increasing damage of
Residuo de sha.
* Fixed radius of
Salpicadura de sha damage.
* At transient phase Sha Eruptions will move to boss pool.
* Decreased the size of
Explosión corrosiva cone.
* More work over casting spells next to Contaminated Puddles.
* Decreased move speed of
Charco purificado.
- Pandaren Spoils:
* Fixed using spells of
Kun Da.
* Fixed using spells of
Zu Yin.
* Fixed using spells of
Jun Wei.
* Fixed using spells of
Xiang Lin.
* Fixed a bug, when one box could be used more than once in a short time.
* Added forged in battle items to loot.
- General Nazgrim:
* Fixed spawn of additional mobs when boss reaches 10% of maximum health.
- Siegecrafter Blackfuse:
* Fixed a bug, when player died from falling on conveyor line.
* Fixed a bug, when boss did not attack players.
* Fixed
Matriz defensiva potenciada.
* Fixed work of shockwave missile turrets.
* Fixed work of crawler mines.
* Fixed work of Laser turrets.
* Fixed work of Electromagnet.
* Fixed
¡Taladros! ¡Imanes! ¡Láseres!.
* Fixed range of actions for
Misil de ondas de choque.
* Added loot.
* Fixed an exploit with
Carga electrostática aura.
* Fixed inscreasing damage done to Shredders depending on
Carga electrostática aura.
- Paragons of the Klaxxi:
* Implemented boss script (with loot).
- Garrosh Hellscream:
* Implemented boss script (with loot).
- Fixed an exploit with possible control of bosses.
- Added NPC before Paragons of the Klaxxi.
- Added
Derribapuertas Sav'ah.
- Added
Atracavientos Tar'rath.
- Added
Gran maestro alquimista Ki'xen.
- Fixed a bug with entrance scene to
Asediador Mechanegra.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed to interrupt casts of bosses by taking them into textures.
- Added missing equipment to mobs.
- Added
Segador Kor'kron.
- Added Ichor of Y'Shaarj.
- Added
- Fixed disappearing of
Manifestación after killing the summoner.
- Fixed bugs with loot when players got less items.
- Fixed bugs with opening doors.
- Fixed possible bugs with event activation.
- Implemented heroic mode of raid, 8 bosses available.
World bosses:
A Celestial Experience:
- Yu'lon:
* Fixed often damage from
Llamarada de fuego de jade.
- Added bonus loot.
Mogu'shan Vaults:
- The Spirit Kings:
Escudo de la oscuridad won't proc from DoTs anymore.
Serpentshrine Cavern:
- Fixed possibility of fishing in the instance.
Throne of Thunder:
- Fixed bonus loot from bosses.
- Council of Elders:
* Fixed an exploit with boss farm.
The Arcatraz:
- Fixed door opening after killing bosses in heroic mode.
Scarlet Halls:
- Implemented scripts of mobs and bosses in the instance.
Arena and BG:
Battle Fatigue should be permanent at BG and arenas + it is now applied when you enter arena, not after the gates open.
- Fixed getting deserter for leaving arena with /afk.
- Fixed stack of
Champiñón salvaje in starter room of arena and BG, should reset after start.
- Fixed position of
Visión de las Sombras for Dalaran Sewers and Blade's Edge Arena.
- Implemented asynchronous pet loading (optimization).
- Implemented multithreading work of mych cross-server functions (optimization).
- Fixed client crash.
- Fixed display of arena frames if one of players refused to join.
- Fixed horde and alliance players amount ins BG statistics, could be incorrect before.
- Fixed a bug, when players could join arena or BG with deserter aura.
- Fixed player log out processing.
- Fixed arena selection for maneuver, now will be selected the one that a player chose.
- Another try to fix a bug with objects display.
- Arena frames should be displayed only if all players are at the arena.
- Fixed leaving arena using the eye on a minimap or /afk command.
- Player will get Deserter for rejecting arena/rated BG invitation. Will not work for simple random BG.
- Fixed leaving from maneuvers using /afk.
- Fixed display of players that left BG in a list.
- Fixed an exploit at The Eye of the Storm, that allowed to teleport to your base with a flag by jumping into the abyss.
- Fixed 4 reasons of cross-server crash.
Spells and Talents:
- Fixed Healing spheres (usual and from mastery), shouldn't heal a target with full health.
- Fixed PvP power bonus for
Crisálida vital.
- Fixed Glyph of Water Roll
- Fixed Glyph of Spirit Roll
- Fixed all known problems with
Anillo de paz.
- Players copy from
Transcendencia now disappears after a players moves 100 yards from it
- Fixed range of spell
Legado del Emperador.
Viento de jade impetuoso and
Anillo de paz no longer ignore LoS.
- Fixed
Incapacitar when using on Death Knight.
- Fixed a bug with combat using
Señal de la Luz and
Llama eterna.
- Fixed triple healing from
Llama eterna, when paladin heal self while
Guardián de los antiguos reyes is active.
- Spell
Señal de la Luz shouldn't keep paladin in combat, when HoT heal someone in party.
- Healing from
Señal de la Luz shouldn't changed by heal modifiers.
Luz cegadora no longer ignore LoS.
- Fixed Glyph of Inquisition.
- Fixed
Glifo de Martillo del honrado.
- Fixed a bug, when
Gran cruzado did not proc due to enormous cooldown.
- Fixed Glyph of Burden of Guilt, shouldn't apply on target with
- Fixed
Glifo de Súplica divina.
- Fixed a bug, when
Invisibilidad was not removed by
Porrazo, if it was applied in the first seconds.
Robar hechizo should dispel
Escudo de tierra and
Explosión de humo, not steal them.
- Fixed stack for talent
Escudo temporal.
- Damage against
Reflejo exacto should increased by PvP power.
- Fixed health amount of
Reflejo exacto.
- Fixed diminishing group for
- Fixed abuse of proc
Trizar now affects on
Orbe congelado aswell.
- Spell
Congelar will no longer proc
Dedos de Escarcha, if spell didn't hit a target due to immunity.
- Fixed a bug, when spell
Dedos de Escarcha didn't proc, while mage was under Fear effects.
- Fixed a bug, when
Anillo de Escarcha under effect of
Presencia mental instantly freeze a target, without delay.
- Fixed Glyph of Counterspell.
- Fixed Glyph of Infernal Blast.
- Fixed a bug, when after remove of
Glifo de Elemental desatado pet model remained the same.
- Fixed
Glifo de Lenguaje Arcano.
- Fixed all known problems with spell
Alterar el tiempo.
- Fixed a bug, while
Anillo de Escarcha is active, player couldn't get
Presencia mental.
- Recieved damage now can interrupt
- Fixed a bug, when using
Reflejo exacto reset the current target even for allies.
- Fixed spell proc
Resguardo de hielo.
- Fixed the time between healing a target, that is under effect of
- Fixed aura remove
Dedos de Escarcha, now consumes on cast, instead of hit.
- Fixed a bug, when
Anillo de Escarcha didn't interrupt while receive periodic damage.
- Fixed all known problems with pet spell Water Bolt
- Fixed interrupt
Invisibilidad from DoT's, when damage was fully absorbed, but invisibility was still interrupted.
- Fixed a bug, when mage did not get
Dedos de Escarcha from
Congelar, if one of targets did not have immune and other had..
- Fixed a bug, when 4P bonus from
Equipo de batalla de Gladiador didn't increase a movement speed after cast
Salto heroico.
- Fixed a bug, when
Heridas profundas was applied even on spell miss.
- Fixed all known bugs with spells:
Estandarte de mofa,
Estandarte desmoralizador and
Estandarte de calavera.
- Fixed a bug, when
Cargar and
Intervenir didn't interrupt, if warrior receive a crowd control effect.
Baño de sangre no longer proc on self.
- Fixed 4P T15 bonus
Placas del último mogu.
- Fixed interaction of
Reflejo de hechizos and
Atracción letal.
- Fixed a bug, when Glyph of Die by the Sword didn't work in fury spec.
- Fixed huge delay between landing and damage using
Salto heroico.
- Fixed a bug, when
Reflejo de hechizos reflect knockback spells.
- Fixed proc of
Glifo de Viento fiero.
- Fixed proc conditions
Glifo de Viento fiero, should proc only from
Glifo de Viento fiero.
- Fixed speed of
Salto heroico.
- Fixed level of summoned NPC by spell Force of Nature in feral spec.
- Now druid can't use Barkskin, when nature school is locked.
- Fixed a bug, when after cast of
Génesis, spell
Rejuvenecimiento lose ticks
- Fixed a bug, when effect of
Alma del bosque didn't work on allies.
- Fixed all known bugs with spell
Champiñón salvaje.
- Fixed interaction
Alma del bosque with
- Fixed a bug, when after the first cast
Simbiosis it couldn't be used again, before relog.
- Treants, that summoned by spell Force of Nature, now have owner Attack power, Spell power, PvP power and mastery.
- Fixed a bug, when some spells passed through Cloal of Shadows from[/url]
- Fixed
Simbiosis for death knights
Floración now does not let into combat.
- Fixed
Corazón de lo Salvaje for cat and bear form.
- Spell
Vigilia de la Naturaleza shouldn't deal damage to invisible targets.
- Fixed
Glifo de Testarazo.
- Fixed flying speed using
Carga salvaje.
Rugido desorientador now correctly removes
- Fixed increasing duration of spell
Destripar using
- Fixed a bug, when
Glifo de Forma felina was working always.
- Fixed a bug, when
Descarga tormentosa passes through
Disuasión that was recieved by
- Fixed spell
Reflejo exacto and
Glifo de Forma felina that was recieved by
- Treants from
Fuerza de la Naturaleza will no longer cast on target
- Fixed a bug, when after dispel
Enjambre feérico slow effect still remained.
- Fixed Glyph of Blooming.
- Fixed all known bugs with spell
Subyugar mente.
Toque de la tumba shouldn't interrupt
Palabra Sagrada: Condena.
Veneno hiriente shouldn't affect
Espíritu guardián.
- Fixed a bug with
Reflexión divina, when was possible to apply two the same
Palabra de poder: escudo.
- Fixed all known bugs with
Pozo de Luz.
Espíritu guardián should be affected by PvP power and
Fatiga de batalla.
- Fixed a bug, when
Disipación en masa with glyph, didn't dispel such effects as Ice Block on a large distance.
- Spells
Aliento de dragón and
Rugido desorientador will no longer remove
Figura espectral.
- Fixed a bug, when 2P set bonus
Investidura de Gladiador procs, even if it wasn't equipped.
- Fixed calculation for all absorb shields, critical strike chance shouldn't affect them.
- Fixed a bug, when
Maligno psíquico can use
Terror psíquico on target in stealth.
- Now, if shadow school is locked, then
Dispersión locked aswell.
- Player of Mending now affected by PvP power
- Spell
Gracia shouldn't affect absorb amount from
Palabra de poder: escudo.
- Fixed Divine Aegis.
- Fixed delay for
Relevo del vacío.
- Absorb from
Coraza espiritual now affected by
- Fixed interaction
Relevo del vacío and
Salto de fe with mage that under effect
Bloque de hielo.
- Fixed
Glifo de Levitar.
- Fixed
Glifo de los cielos.
- Fixed using
Espíritu guardián, if priest is under crowd control effects, but also in stun.
- Fixed many bugs with spell
Maligno psíquico
- Foxed a bug, when
Espíritu guardián didn't heal in fear effects.
- Fixed a bug with
Glyph of Shadow
- Fixed
Glyph of the Heavens
Death knight:
- Fixed a bug, when
Conversión canceled, if DK got Crowd Control effect.
- Fixed attack power coefficient for spell
Muerte y descomposición.
- Fixed parry chance for DK.
- Fixed a bug, when
Atracción letal the main cast was passes a check, but the second not, and spell didn't work.
- Many fixes for
Arma de runa danzante.
- Fixed a bug, when
Conversión didn't heal a DK when he was under crowd control effects.
- Fixed a bug, when with
Conversión, cpell
Hervor de sangre and bonus from
Guanteletes de placas de tinieblas de Gladiador orgulloso didn't work.
- Fixed important bug, when DK talent
Corrupción rúnica increases RPPM from items by several times.
- Fixed a bug, when
Socorro oscuro procs from all spell, not only from Death strike.
- Glyph of Death's Embrace shouldn't proc, when cast on target with full health.
Añublo profano no longer ignore LoS.
- Fixed damage amount, that required for break
- Fixed a bug, when
Tótem Elemental de Fuego and
Tótem Elemental de Tierra puts allies in combat
- Fixed
Glifo de Lobo espiritual.
- Fixed
Glifo de Corte de viento.
- Fixed
Glifo de Fijación astral.
- Fixed a bug, when
Tótem de Surcar el viento didn't have a model.
- Fixed
Glifo de Tierra eterna.
Tótem Pillaterra no longer ignore LoS.
- Fixed Glyph of Cleansing Waters.
- Fixed
Glifo de Raptores espirituales.
Tótem Elemental de Tierra and
Tótem Elemental de Fuego when they are in combat, will put a shaman in combat aswell.
- Now
Esfumarse correctly working with Subterfuge, if rogue receive AOE damage.
- Fixed
Glifo de Recuperación.
- FIxed
Glifo de velocidad borrosa.
Subterfugio should not proc whe player under effect
- Spells
Ruptura and
Garrote no longer remove
Sigilo from DoT damage.
- Fixed working
Anticipación from
Golpe revelador, when it addded 1 combo point with a 20% chance.
Capa y daga no longer working, if rogue used
Danza de las Sombras.
- Fixed a bug, when after using
Esfumarse rogue instantly turn back into combat. Added delay for half second.
Bomba de humo should apply own effect instantly and without delay.
- Fixed a bug, when rogue can't use a stealth anymore after getting under Flare, with enabled Vanish.
- Fixed a bug, when
Esfumarse sometimes didn't remove a combat.
- Fixed Glyph of Fear.
- Fixed
Glifo de Mano de Gul'dan
Voluntad indomable spell should remove silence effect (for example from Garrote).
- Fixed a bug, when
Orden demoníaca worked more than once and went to diminishing.
- Changes in rules for copying spells by using
Estragos. Now spells of
Orden demoníaca and
Maldición de los Elementos can be copied also.
Llamas infernales can be cast while moving.
- Fixed possibility to use spells of
Orden demoníaca if a player has used
Grimorio de sacrificio before.
- Fixed a bug, when
Bloqueo de hechizo got by
Grimorio de sacrificio was not copied by
- Fixed all known bugs in work of
Portal demoníaco.
- Now
Ola de caos and
Toque de caos hit rogue under Cloak of Shadows.
- Fixed a bug, when
Llamas de Xoroth did not summon the last pet.
- Now
Invocar manáfago will use
Mordedura de las Sombras only if he has more than 80 energy.
Núcleo de magma - excluded a variant, when it made
Fuego de alma instant, now bonus gives effect of one stack.
- Fixed a bug, when
Quemadura de las Sombras did not deal damage in some cases when target was healed in a moment of dealt damage and got more than 20% HP.
Ola de caos and
Toque de caos will now correctly pass
Capa de las Sombras and will not be decreased by
Difuminar magia.
- Fixed attack power of
Invocar guardia de cólera.
- Fixed duration of
Explosión óptica and
Bloqueo de hechizo auras.
- Fixed proc of
- Fixed enormous duration of
Bloqueo de hechizo.
Llamas infernales no longer ignore LoS.
- Fixed a bug, when
Golpes de traslación could proc while pet was under control.
- Fixes of damage stack of
Disparo explosivo.
- Fixed
Glifo de Engaño resistente.
- Fixed
Glifo de Cólera infinita.
- Fixed trap proc radius (was higher than should).
- Fixed
Glifo de Redirección.
Spells and talents, others:
- Fixed a problem where some of the aura worked in full operation for low levels, for example:
Scroll of Stamina IX and others.
- Fixed a bug with stacking of auras that increase stamina.
- Fixed an exploit with WPE, that allowed to switch single-target spell to dest-target and spam spells under the target, for example undefined.
- Fixed scaling of auras that influence attack/cast speed, all effects should multiply not summarize.
- Removed the second test of LoS for single-target spells, because one test has already been made, and the second is simply not needed. In addition, it led to cases where a player has moved between the first and second test, then castes passes, but the effect is not applied.
- Fixed a bug, when some spells (for example:
Marca de lo Salvaje of a druid) applied only to a party, but not to a raid.
- Fixed a bug, when summoned creatures lost
Fatiga de batalla.
- Fixed visual effect of
Sálvese quien pueda.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed to interrupt casts of bosses by running away.
- Now
Fusión de las sombras absorbs spell only in case if a it was used in a moment when spell hit a player.
- Now, damage done to absorb shield control auras will be removed.
Fatiga de batalla should be applied to all creatures, controlled by player, not only pets.
- Fixed
Lanzar, should not have cooldown.
- Fixed a bug, when
Diamante de fuego celeste del trueno gave +20,000 to haste rate.
- Fixed a bug with PvP power, when
Hoja rauda de Gladiador orgulloso is used.
- Fixed Well Fed stacks of different items.
- Fixed work of items for banishing elementals in Arathi Highlands
Talismán del trueno.
- Fixed stacking of
undefined aura up to 5 times from undefined of
Equipo de batalla del asesino espinoso rogue set.
- Fixed stamina increase by
Gran festín pandaren.
- Fixed target amount, that receive heal from
Jina Kang, Amabilidad de Chi-Ji.
- Fixed
Grog espectral.
- Fixed learning
Rata de madriguera oronda.
- Fixed
Barril de maestro cervecero honorario.
- Fixed
Sombrero de zahorí descolorido.
- Fixed
Caparazón endurecido.
All Data Base fixes (quests, creatures, loot etc) you can look
at this section (from 2016-10-13 tо 2016-12-29), with messages from Herald.
Do not forget to delete the Cache folder from the root folder of the game after each update.