110 jugadores


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Changes: December

Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in December. Some of the fixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.


December 11, 2019


  • More corrections to the issue due to which player couldn't name change and log in-game.
  • Reworked guild news. Some visible changes:
    • Fixed an issue which caused problems to rewrite guild news if old ones were removed.
    • Limit of news will now be 250.
  • Corrections to object visibility range.
  • Fixed an issue due to which players sometimes lost their gold when it got in-game mailed.
  • Player will no longer automatically leave group when logging offline.
  • Fixed an issue due to which some recipes could be learned without learning the required profession.
  • Receiving an achievement which was already earned in the past will no longer override the original date.
  • Fixed loading and saving fields associated with guild achievements.
  • Fixed an issue due to which player could not take profession based quests again after he had unlearned this profession before and completed these quests.

Instances and raids:

Arenas & Battlegrounds:

  • Small changes RBG group selection. The server will try to pick up a group, which consists of Alliance faction players, on the Alliance side. Before it was random, and that ended up with alliance players sometimes playing on horde side and vice versa.


  • Fixed an issue due to which Maestría: Daga de guardamano didn’t work from attacks that were completely absorbed.
  • Fixed formula for Envenenar.
  • Corrections to Anticipación, will also now work for Exponer armadura.
  • Upon reapplying Envenenar effect, its duration will increase by a certain value from the previous effect, not more than 1 second.
  • Fixed an issue due to which effect from Bomba de humo stopped working if the enemy rogue also used this ability.

  • Corrections to Cascada
    • Fixed an issue due to which effect sometimes did not jump on other targets.
    • Spell will now prioritize targets which are the most furthest away.
    • Spell's damage and healing now depends on distance.

  • Maestría: Ofrenda del dragón will no longer try to summon a sphere next to an ally who is out of the monk's visibility range, because of this mastery was wasted.


Items & Objects:




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