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Approximate content release schedule in May

Approximate content release schedule in May

We have prepared an approximate timetable for the release of content on the x5 realm, that we will follow this month:

  • May 12: Normal Heart of Fear, second wing.
  • May 19: Heroic Heart of Fear. + First wing of Heart of Fear on Raid Finder.
  • May 26: Second wing of Heart of Fear on Raid Finder. + Normal Terrace of Endless Spring.
  • June 2: Heroic Terrace of Endless Spring. + Terrace of Endless Spring on Raid Finder.

Unfortunately, last month, although we tried to split the raid in order to release content at least a little, but not interrupt, circumstances turned out to be stronger than us and development still had to be suspended. Instead of a raid, PvP missions were released, which we expected to announce a little later.
Although in April we failed to follow our plan for raids, according to which the Terrace of Endless Spring raid was to be fully open by May 26, now we are trying to catch up with lost time: by May 5, the second wing of the "Heart of Fear" raid will be released for testing on the PTR, and by the 12th it is open on the Realm x5.
In parallel with the raid content, work continues on other PvE content, and we expect to be able to present the results of the work after the raid content opens, that is, in June.