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Content release plans for June and July.

Content release plans for June and July.

5.0.5 content has come to an end, it's time to move on.
Now the attention of our developers is focused on fixing the bugs and issues you found, on the features of Patch 5.1
and even partially on the content of Patch 5.2.

With Patch 5.1, not as much content is introduced into the game as in 5.0.5 or 5.2, rather various minor
improvements are added, some of which have already been implemented and introduced into the game, for example:

  • Expansion of the farm in Halfhill and additional species of plants and seeds.
  • The ability to purchase up-to-date PvP and PvE equipment on the Black Market Auction House.
  • Expanded battle pet toolkit, new abilities and opportunities in battles.
  • Same scenario options as in Dungeon Finder, namely: group leaders, new players search, voting for exclusion

And many other small features that have surrounded us in the game for a long time and have already become familiar.

This add-on does not introduce new items of equipment, weapons or vehicles into the game, and itself is already
partially present in the game, so we will not announce its release separately, but will simply gradually introduce the remaining features and content into the game until the announcement of Patch 5.2:

  • In Control Panel and in-game store, we plan to update the assortment of current weapons and equpment.
  • New services for those who have just joined the game or have already good equipped character (or even several!) and now would like to try something new.
  • Items Upgrade feature in the game.
  • Continuation of the storyline with Wrathion in Krasarang Wilds.
  • New Scenarios.

At the end of the release of the content of this Patch, we will end the arena season and announce the release of Patch
5.2, upon release which will reset all ratings, honor points and conquest points and begin a new arena season.
Valor and Justice Points will not be reset.

But we will tell you separately about Patch 5.2 later, before its release, and all the described above is waiting for you
in the next few weeks!