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Development plans for July

Development plans for July.
Completing the quests that appeared in the game with patch 5.1 will take some time. Farming currencies,
reputations... All this time, while you are playing, the developers will continue to work on the quests and fix the bugs you have found. These will all be rolled into the game with every server update and will appear on our changelogs throughout this month.

This is part of our plans for June and July, which we have already partially talked about earlier.

So, this month we will continue to work on the content that is already available in the game - part of our team will
continue to do it, and the other part will continue to work on 5.2.
In addition, we will continue to make changes in control panel and update the Web Shop by adding mounts and pets
introduced in patch 5.1.

And, as always, there will be other news not covered here!

When the time required to complete all the storylines of Patch 5.1 is over, we will announce the release content 5.2.