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Changing the duration and types of punishments for some in-game violations

Changing the duration and types of punishments for some in-game violations

From this moment on, the terms and types of punishments for some types of violations will change.
Previously, for technical reasons, the maximum mute time period did not exceed 12 hours, so more serious
violations of the in-game rules in the game channels were punished with bans. Now some of such violations, for which a ban was previously relied on, from this moment are replaced by mute, and in some cases the mute term has been changed.

List of violations that have been changed:

Violation type Before Now
3.2 Provocative or mockingly messages about relatives of any player or PandaWoW employee including masked insults ban,
7 days
3.2 Rude insults towards relatives of players ban,
7 days
2.2 Inappropriate behavior towards server administration or any staff member ban,
mute, from 7d up to ban, 30d
3.7 Discussions about third-party servers: Discussions about benefits of other Mists of Pandaria servers and participation in them, Calls for the migration to another projects. ban,
mute, from 3d up to 30d
3.5 "Skill-flood" mute, 720min mute,
240 min
3.6 Using colored text in any channels mute, 720min mute,
240 min

The entire list of criteria can be found in the rules section.

Remember that:

Discussion of violations and issued punishments is possible only in a special support section:
Ban and Mute appeals.
If you think that a server employee made a mistake or do not know what you were punished for, you can go to this
section of the support forum and ask about your character or account. There is no discussion of punishments in other sections of the forum, and for fictitious stories to accuse employees of something that was not, a punishment in the form of a ban is provided.

Don't break the rules! Have a good game.