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Planes de desarrollo para agosto.

Development plans for August.
The time required to complete the quests from the legendary chain that appeared in add-on 5.1 is gradually coming
to an end, and many have almost completed the accessible storyline in Krasarang Wilds.

And this month we begin preparations for the release of the content of 5.2 Patch: while development continues, first
new items will be available in the in-game store and in the Control Panel Web Shop and promotions will begin, and then, the closer we get to the release day, the more important and noticeable changes will be introduced into the game.

They apply to both already released raid content and PvP. Some of the plans are already known - we are planning
to introduce RBG Soloq into the game, other changes are still in the work or discussion.

An announcement with detailed information about the release of 5.2 Patch will take place this month. This Patch will
bring in the game a new raid, new play zones, two new world bosses, new items, both PvE and PvP, so there is very little time left to prepare the characters for the release of content!