Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in September. Some of the fixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.


Hotfixes September 1, 2021:

August 31, 2021


  • Fixed 2 reasons caused server to crash.
  • Fixed an issue due to which players were unable to spectate battleground the Strand of the Ancients.
  • Visual effects from mounts will now have priority over other buffs that change the visual appearance.
  • Fixed exploit with golg.
  • Corrections for resilence and battle fatigue values for 5.2 content on х5 realm.

Classes & Spells:

  • Fixed bug where pets tamed from large npcs had too big combat reach.


  • Fixed an issue due to which spell Волна ци in some cases could activate PvP mode for allied players.


Battle Pets:

  • Fixed displaying the battle pets quality.
  • Fixed renaming for pets tamed in the open world.
  • Fixed buff Elite
  • Reworked stats calcuation for pets in the battle.
  • Abilities that always hit first now correctly calculate the hidden speed modifier from level and quality.
  • Fixed Sticky Web
  • The abilities of wild battle pets are now randomly determined at the start of the battle, so in different battles with the same NPC there may be different abilities.

Items & Objects:

NPC & Creatures:


5.2. changelog:

Throne of Thunder: