1-15 October 2021.
- Added new style for forum design.
Instances & Raids:
- Throne of Thunder:
- Kazra'jin:
- Congelamiento Now will correctly calculate damage reducing abilities.
- Lu'lin:
- Tromba cósmica Now she will launch 8 stars on 25-man mode.
- Lei Shen:
- Corrections to Overcharged zone calculation where player can receive stun effect Overcharge
- Fixed an issue due to which boss sometimes followed tank during Supercharge Conduits (Happened in case if boss transitioned right after he finished casting Thunderstruck)
- Direhorn Spirit
- Espíritu de cuernoatroz No longer immune to knockbacks.
- Enabled Trash between Dark Animus & Twin Consorts
- Everyone who will defeat Lei Shen this week and have (Lu'lin & Suen) defeated already will receive completed achievement Pinnacle of Storms which will be required to enter heroic mode.
Classes & Spells:
- Fixed a bug due to which the player's pet would not attack if the player attacked the target.
- The guild will not gain experience when completing tracker marker quests.
- AoE spells will no longer cause a cast delay(pushback) on the enemy.
- Damage reduction from "Demoralizing Shout" (Grito desmoralizador) now will have a priority regarding to the effects which reduced damage.
- Fixed item set bonus "Item - Warrior T15 Protection 4P Bonus" (Item - Warrior T15 Protection 4P Bonus).
- Damage reduction from "Ardent Defender" (Defensor candente) now will have a priority regarding to the effects which reduced damage.
- Fixed item set bonus "Item - Paladin T15 Holy 2P Bonus" (Item - Paladin T15 Holy 2P Bonus)
Death Knight
- Fixed bug due to which "Bone Shield" (Escudo óseo) there was no internal cooldown for absorbing stacks of effect when taking damage.
- Corrections to "Fallen Zandalari" (Zandalari caído) from item set bonuss "Item - Death Knight T15 DPS 2P Bonus" (Item - Death Knight T15 DPS 2P Bonus).
- Fixed item set bonus "Item - Death Knight T15 DPS 4P Bonus" (Item - Death Knight T15 DPS 4P Bonus).
- Fixed item set bonus "Item - Hunter T15 2P Bonus" (Item - Hunter T15 2P Bonus)
- Corrections to item set bonuses "Item - Hunter T15 4P Bonus" (Item - Hunter T15 4P Bonus).
- Fixed increase in proc chance "Fingers of Frost" (Dedos de Escarcha) from item bonus set "Item - Mage T15 4P Bonus" (Item - Mage T15 4P Bonus).
- Corrections to Bomba viva
- Fixed item set bonus for "Item - Warlock T15 DPS 4P Bonus" (Item - Warlock T15 DPS 4P Bonus) for additional generation of burning ambers from the spell "Incinerate" (Incinerar)
- Fixed item set bonus "Item - Druid T15 Restoration 4P Bonus" (Item - Druid T15 Restoration 4P Bonus)
- Fixed item set bonus "Item - Druid T15 Guardian 4P Bonus" (Item - Druid T15 Guardian 4P Bonus)
- Fixed item set bonus "Item - Druid T15 Feral 2P Bonus" (Item - Druid T15 Feral 2P Bonus)
- Fixed item set bonus "Item - Druid T15 Feral 4P Bonus" (Item - Druid T15 Feral 4P Bonus)
- Corrections to item set bonus "Item - Druid T15 Restoration 4P Bonus" (Item - Druid T15 Restoration 4P Bonus).
- Fixed item set bonus "Item - Priest T15 Healer 2P Bonus" (https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=263602)
- Corrections to item set bonus "Item - Priest T15 Healer 4P Bonus" (Item - Priest T15 Healer 4P Bonus)
- Corrections to item set bonus "Item - Shaman T15 Enhancement 2P Bonus" (Item - Shaman T15 Enhancement 2P Bonus).
- Corrections to item set bonus "Item - Shaman T15 Elemental 2P Bonus" (Item - Shaman T15 Elemental 2P Bonus).
- Fixed item set bonus "Item - Shaman T15 Restoration 2P Bonus" (Item - Shaman T15 Restoration 2P Bonus).
- Corrections to item set bonus "Item - Shaman T15 Elemental 2P Bonus" (Item - Shaman T15 Elemental 2P Bonus), effect damage is now split among all targets who are not under the crowd control.
- Fixed item set bonus "Item - Monk T15 Mistweaver 2P Bonus" (Item - Monk T15 Mistweaver 2P Bonus)
- Corrections to item set bonus "Item - Monk T15 Brewmaster 4P Bonus" (Item - Monk T15 Brewmaster 4P Bonus).
- Fixed item set bonus "Item - Monk T15 Windwalker 4P Bonus" (Item - Monk T15 Windwalker 4P Bonus).
- Fixed bug due to which "Ruthlessness" (Crueldad) didn't work on "Recuperate" (Reponerse) and "Slice and Dice" (Hacer picadillo).
- Fixed bug due to whic "Ruthlessness" (Crueldad) cancelled invisibility effect.
Items & Objects:
- Fixed Baliza del Kirin Tor
- Added loot to Sunreaver Bounty and Arcane Trove
- AddedKey to the Palace of Lei Shen to loot, now it will drop once a week.
- Fixed Shan'ze Ritual Stone, drops once a week.
- Added Trampa de manzanas
- Fixed Combustible de portal: Santuario de las Dos Lunas
- Added missing Charged Moganite
- Fixed object - Rappelling Rope
- Removed Fogata del Solsticio de Verano and Guardián de las llamas del Valle de los Cuatro Vientos from Halfhill (source - event).
- Fixed item Saur Fetish
- Corrections to Patrón: Magnificencia de cuero
- Tomo de la legión perdida sellado
- Correction to quest object - Украденное хиджальское яйцо
- Correction to quest object - Горькоцвет
NPC & Creatures:
- Scripted Cera
- Fixed timer Molthor
- Fixed - Legionario Nazgrim
- Corrected gossip to Caminasol Dezco
- Fixed Taran Zhu
- Added missing Scout Captain Elsia horde quest giver.
- Fixed localization phrase to Espitador Barritimo, Ipfelkofer Barril de Hierro
- Leftovers for The Crumbled Chamberlain
- Fixed - Capitán Taylor
- Fixed - Druida de la Llama
- Fixed quest NPC - Protodraco Njorndar
- Fixed quest NPC - Jinete del viento de Valormok
- Fixed quest NPC - Gran almirante Viento Oeste
- Fixed Shang Pie Atronador
- Fixed Lupello
- Fixed Cerdo de Pie Atronador
- Fixed event between Chen Cerveza de Trueno and Li Li in Valley of Four Winds, Shang's Stead.
- Visibility corrections to Chen Cerveza de Trueno and Li Li
- Corrections to quest NPCs Soportando el calor
- Corrections to Trepadora Telaceniza
- Scripted Thisalee Cuervo
- Scripted Vientos de huida
- Fixed Ang Pie Atronador
- Visibility corrections to Caolín
- Corrections to Thermal Pocket Bunny
- Corrections to Ricket
- Corrections to duplicates - Archidruida Hamuul Tótem de Runa
- Added phrases to Li Li while on quest Agua fangosa
- Fixed phrases to Chen Cerveza de Trueno and Li Li after quest Выходной Ли Ли
- Fixed event from Chen Cerveza de Trueno after quest El día libre de Li Li
- Moved Cazador del claro
- Corrections to Rocco Azotaespinillas
- Fixed few NPC visibility in Ogri'la.
- Fixed Пеплоуст-охотник
- Fixed launch of Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas.
- Corrections to Alysra
- Corrections to Druida de la Llama
- Corrections to Leyara
- Fixed Esencia de orden
- When interacting with Trituradora en huida players will no longer have a smoke aura.
- Fixed movement routes for Centurión desatado
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