Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in April. Some of the fixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.
March 30 - April 19
- Added chinese and korean locales.
- Fixed few reasons caused server to crash.
Dungeons and Raids:
- Bad Luck Protection will no longer reset when player receives Pandaria Legendary Questline items from encounter bosses, which have a guaranteed drop chance for these items (for example - Lei Shen
- Ordos:
- Fixed coordinates where player will get teleported upon entering Ordon Sanctuary without completed Pandaria Legendary Cloak Questline + Added missing warning message. Would like to note that this does not affect xFun realm
- Enable world boss hp scaling on Timeless Isle.
Classes and spells:
- Added animation of the death of mage's copies after the Mirror Image end.
- A mage's copy, summoned after the application Alterar el tiempo now also saves visual effects from spells.
- Fixed an issue due to which spell Alterar el tiempo sometimes did not apply twice.
- Fixed generation of pet names with talent Grimorio de supremacía.
- Bonuses of the "Item - Warlock T15 DPS 2P Bonus" set (Item - Warlock T15 DPS 2P Bonus) now disappear correctly if items have been removed, and the effect Alma oscura was already in effect.
- Druid under the effect Dash will no longer receive the effect Stampeding Roar, if it was used by another druid.
- Effect Camuflaje now dispels if the hunter deals damage to the enemy, for example with traps.
- Fixed an issue, due to which after the end of the Dominate Mind against monsters, they followed the priest, but did not attack him.
- Fixed an issue, due to which Maligno psíquico did not use ability Terror psíquico against monsters.
Items and Objects:
- Fixed an issue, due to which Foot Ball activates PvP mode for players.
- Sunken Treasure can be looted now only once per week
- Fixed phase for Darkhide's Head
- Fixed missing model for Timeless Chest
- Event with Challenger's Stone, part one
- Fixed phase for Evie Stormstout
- Fixed gobject Bird Scatter Trap
- Fixed localization of Kukurus Cache Key
- Reworked all, removed duplicates and fixed respawn time - 10 sec
- Fixed gobject Enormous Landslide
- Corrections for gobject Ámbar solidificado
- Added Portal to Shado-Pan Garrison (Portal to Shado-Pan Garrison) at Shan'ze Dao island.
- Corrected position, spawn time and amount of Glinting Sand
- Corrected positions of the follwing gobjects:
- Corrections for gobject on Timeless Isle, fixed orientation, added missing gobjects, removed duplicates, for example it fixes issues with following gobjects:
- Fixed spawntime and loot of the following gobjects:
- Fixed ru locales for gobjects Scroll of Auspice, Mantid Society, The Deserters
- [event] Fixed loot from Brightly Colored Egg
NPC and Creatures:
- [MoP] Visual corrections Matt "Lucky" Gotcher and The Killem' Jaro
- [MoP] Fixed quotes for Hemet Nesingwary
- [MoP] Fixed phase for Dustback Mushan, Gorge Stalker, Sly Fox, Foxicopter at the Nesingwary's Safari.
- [MoP] Added waypoint for Foxicopter
- [MoP] Fixed phase for Hemet Nesingwary and Hemet Nesingwary Jr.
- [MoP] Fixed positions for Sally Fizzlefury and Mr. Pleeb
- [MoP] Added waypoints for Tani
- [MoP] Added quotes for Steven Walker
- [MoP] Fixed phase for some Bulgeback Tortoise
- [MoP] Fixed gossip for Sapmaster Vu
- [MoP] Fixed phase for Chen Stormstout at The Sunset Brewgarden.
- [MoP] Fixed phase for Chen Stormstout near the Evie Stormstout
- [event] Added waypoints for Darkmoon Carnie
- [event] Fixed quotes for Kae Ti
- [event] Removed duplicates Khaz Modan Ram
- [event] Corrections for Pygmy Cockatrice, Phillipe, Darkmoon Penguin
- [event] Corrections for Darkmoon Strider
- [event] Fixed event between Darkmoon Carnie and Arakkoa Visitor / Corki / Elder Daftusk / Frenzyheart Visitor / Oracle Visitor
- [event] Fixed Felinni / Lizzy
- [event] Fixed Hornsley / Crush
- [event] Fixed Aja, Jerrica, Kimber, Shana
- [event] Added waypoints for
- [event] Fixed model for Ellie Goodup
- [MoP] Fixed phase for Han Stormstout and Chen Stormstout within the Morrowchamber in Dread Wastes.
- [event] Fixed Maggy and Raan
- [MoP] Fixed visibility Shu
- [MoP] Fixed phase for Han Stormstout at The Sunset Brewgarden in Dread Wastes.
- [MoP] Fixed phase for Iyyokuk the Lucid at Klaxxi'vess.
- [MoP] Cosmetic changes for NPCs The Sunset Brewgarden in Dread Wastes.
- [MoP] Fixed position Ambersmith Zikk
- [MoP] Fixed gossip Kor'ik
- [MoP] Fixed phase for Hisek the Swarmkeeper at Klaxxi'vess.
- [MoP] Added loot for the following creatures:
- [MoP] Fixed the time after which the corpse of the summoned rare creatures disappears:
- [MoP] Scripted event with Cave-in & Spelurk
- [MoP] Fixed script and spawntime for guards on the Timeless Isle:
- [MoP] Fixed spawntime Foreboding Flame
- [MoP] Fixed positions and waypoints for Fen Stalker
- [MoP] Fixed an event with the release of Han Stormstout
- [MoP] Fixed positions and waypoints for Longfin Thresher
- [MoP] Scripted Chelon
- [MoP] Fixed Chromie
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