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Transferring characters from the x100 Realm

Transferring characters from the x100 Realm

On February 22 it will be possible to transfer characters from the x100 Realm to one of our other Realms - x5 or xFUN - for free, and therefore, on February 15, the opportunity to create new characters on the x100 Realm will be closed.

After that, you will have another week to prepare your characters for the opening date of the transfer. We remind you of the transfer conditions:

  • When transferring, you can choose the new game realm: x5 or xFUN
  • You can transfer only level 90 characters or characters above level 60 with more than 1 day played time.
  • You cannot transfer characters on a banned account.
  • During the transfer, the nickname of the character will be changed, to enter the game you will need to enter a new name, free on this game world.
  • Will be transferred:
    • All the equipment and personal inventory of the character will be transferred, as well as the bank and the void storage.
    • Gold - up to 10.000 (when transferring to xFUN Realm, everything will be saved)
    • reputations
    • achievements
    • mounts
    • companions and pets
    • titles
    • professions

  • Will NOT be transferred:
    • honor & conquest points (when transferring to xFUN Realm, everything will be saved)
    • valor points & justice points (when transferring to xFUN Realm, everything will be saved)
    • timeless coins and any other currencies (when transferring to xFUN Realm, everything will be saved)
    • mail

How will the transfer take place

On the day when the transfer is opened, a new menu will appear at the bottom of the main page of the Control Panel:

Clicking on this menu will take you to the transfer page, where all your characters on this account will be listed in the form of a table, among which you can choose any of them, read all the transfer conditions and choose a new realm for that character. After clicking the "transfer" button, you will need to confirm the transfer, after which the character will be copied.

Before you can use the transfer in your Control Panel, you will need to log out of the game and wait a minute for the account to stop being listed online.
After the transfer, the character will disappear on the x100 Realm and in the list of characters available for transfer.
You can transfer characters even if you no longer have free slots for new characters in the new realm.

What will happen next

We do not yet have a deadline for how long the transfer will be active and when the x100 Realm will be closed, so do not waste time if you want to save some characters from this realm.