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Patch 5.3. "Escalation"

On May 1, the content of the 5.3. "Escalation" Patch will be available on the x100 Realm. What will appear in the game?


The Voidbinders are back in capital cities and shrines.

  • Items upgradable by Valor now require 250 Valor to upgrade per 4 item levels, for a total of 500 Valor for 8 item levels per item.
  • This is retroactive to all items that use Valor.
  • Items upgradable by Justice now require 750 Justice to upgrade per 8 item levels, for a total of 750 Justice for 8 item levels per item.
  • This is retroactive to all items that use Justice.
  • Malevolent Gladiator’s Conquest (Season 12) items that have upgrades available are still upgradable at their original costs.
  • Dreadful Gladiator’s Honor (Season 12) items that have upgrades available are still upgradable at their original costs.
    No other PvP items are upgradable.


By the way, with the release of 5.3. it will become impossible to get a raid portal to the Throne of Thunder. Now this spell can still be obtained as a reward for defeating Ra-Den in the heroic difficulty of the raid.


There is no new equipment in this patch, nothing will change in this regard, but:



Brawler's Guild


2 new ranks and 12 quest bosses will be available. And with them, new rewards, including a new mount for 10th rank - Любимые печеньки Живца.


Heroic mode for Scenarios


There will be 4 new scenarios in the game, and a total of 6 scenarios will be available in heroic mode, you can queue in them in the scenario search window and only in a group.


Continuation of the Legendary cloak questline:


Chapter 4, starting with quest Расплата, will be available. Together with Wrathion, players will be able to visit the four temples of Pandaria and speak with the August Celestials to receive their blessings. To continue the quest chain, you must complete the previous tasks offered by Wrathion.


The continuation of the history of Pandaria in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.


As the Alliance and Horde conflict continues in Pandaria, visit Lorewalker Cho in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms to help your faction prepare to face Garrosh Hellscream.


Heroes of the Alliance will be able to join SI: 7 agents on the outskirts of Orgrimmar to scout out the Horde's weaknesses.

Heroes of the Horde will join the uprising of the Darkspear Trolls led by Vol'jin and help fight Garrosh's Kor'kron forces.


For the completion of this story, you will be able to get new titles. Horde players will receive title, and Alliance players will receive title.



We are getting closer and closer to the end of the story, the peak of which will be the Siege of Orgrimmar.