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Changes: September

Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in September. Some of the fixes below have been known for some time, some have come into effect with the last restart of the realm. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.





August 20 - September 17





  • Corrections for phasing at the Ambermill
  • Fixed coordinats for teleportation to the Seilvermoon City and Undercity at the Teleporter (they were mixed up)
  • Fix a bug due to which some pets were adding to the collections before learning cast end
  • Fix phasing at The Sludge Fields
  • xFUN: now, vendors are selling 522 start gear (instead 496)
  • Now, green PvP chests (reward for PvP-missions) are drop 550 ilvl PvP gear with some small chance
  • Fixed few reasons caused the server to crash


Classes and spells:




  • Fix a bug that caused the effect from Частица Света to replace if another paladin applied it to the same target

Death Knight:

  • Fix a possible reason that caused the gargoule's spell Удар горгульи could deal increased damage in some cases.



Items & Objects:


  • Зелье Теней no longer consumable on the Fun Realm
  • Drinking a duplicate flask with less than 15 minutes remaining will now extend the duration of the new flask correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused most PvE trinkets to not increase the duration of the effect when triggered on the battleground/arena (to compensate the decrease the strength of the effect itself)
  • Add requirements for drop Битва за Хилсбрад
  • Increased up to 100% drop chance for Охотничий клинок Джозефа
  • Add missing mounts to Horde vendor on xFUN realm
  • Legendary Cloak
    • Players who have bought Legendary Cloaks from shop now have access to Ordon Sanctuary in Timeless Isle on that character. Account Wide unlock on given realm still remains locked behind completion of full questline
  • Fix bug due to which item Жаровенный факел could be used against players


NPC & Creatures:


