Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in February. Some of the fixes below have been known for some time, some have come into effect with the last restart of the realm. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.
January 23 - February 17
A flag drop fix when the player is in the graveyard on Twin Peaks.
Fix a bug when taking flags in stealth mode
Reworked following Battlegrounds:
Following battlegorunds disabled (work in progress): , ,
Аdd announcement for all players while pressing crystal for faster start
Add new arena:
Instances & Raids:
Items & Objects:
Fix items Estandarte de Ventormenta Estandarte de Cima del Trueno Estandarte de Forjaz Estandarte de Gnomeregan Estandarte de El Exodar Estandarte de Darnassus
Implemented Vermis de ascuas humeante (added to the game files)
Fix requiement s for receiving Mapa del tesoro andrajoso Mapa del tesoro arrugado
Increased drop chance for Ржавые драгоценности
Fix object Instrucciones para astilleros
Fix requiement s for receiving Collar de Lady La-La
Corrections for Saco de huevos Nerub'ar
NPC & Creatures:
Fix quest Niebla
Fix quest Visión de raptor
Corrections for La historia olvidada
Fix quest Champidestinos
Fix quest Estela de destrucción
Fix prerequisites for A nuestra manera ¡A las armas! Grupo de Operaciones Especiales de Ventormenta Marchar con el estómago lleno
Add event during A nuestra manera
Fix quest Todo o nada
Corrections for Más vale tarde que muerto
Fix quest Cabalgada abisal
Fix quest ¡Necesito refugio!
Fix prerequisites for El mejor amigo de una chica Sabor a tenazario Tónico nervioso Ofidiofobia
Corrections for Suficientemente humilde como para rogar
Fix event after No hay fuego sin chispa
Fix prerequisites for ¡Oh, la locura!
Fix quest Otra vez las anguilas accepting
Fix quest Na, nam... Na, nam...
Corrections for Apagón
Fix quest DUN-dun-DUN-dun-DUN-dun
Fix quest Santuario submarino
Fix event after Espeleología
Fix prerequisites for Pase lo que pase ¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¿En mis tripas...? Descompresión Informe
Fix quest Informe
Fix quest Informe (Horde)
Add phase during Estela de destrucción
Corrections for Descompresión
Fix quest La amenaza en ciernes
Fix Yanni's gossip for Viaje en alfombra mágica
Corrections for Atropello a la carga
Fix quest Arrinconados
Corrections for Un olor pestilente
Corrections for No te cierres como una almeja
Fix prerequisites for Amenaza escurridiza El Gran Sambino
Fixed an issue due to which players did not receive 250 ( and 300 ( mount achievement rewards
Fixed an issue due to which undefined did not award players with Reins of the Emerald Drake
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