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Changes: March

Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in March. Some of the fixes below have been known for some time, some have come into effect with the last restart of the realm. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.   Changes:     March 04 - March 24   ... 了解更多

Changes: February

Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in February. Some of the fixes below have been known for some time, some have come into effect with the last restart of the realm. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.   Changes:     January 23 - February 17  ... 了解更多

Appearances Collection

  APPEARANCES COLLECTION     Now all the equipment items that you get in the game will be added to the collections section, in the same place where you already have all your mounts, pets and toys, but on another tab. And just like the previous ones, this collection is shared by all your characters... 了解更多

Changes: January

Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in January. Some of the fixes below have been known for some time, some have come into effect with the last restart of the realm. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.   Changes:     December 24 - January 23  ... 了解更多

Changes: December

Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in November and December. Some of the fixes below have been known for some time, some have come into effect with the last restart of the realm. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.   Changes:     November 17 - December 24... 了解更多

Black Friday + Cyber Monday

  Black Friday + Cyber Monday: 4 days of Discounts on PandaWoW!   From November 29th to December 2nd (inclusive), discounts of up to 75% will be valid in the PandaWoW store on the website and in the game!   Keep in mind that there are more services available in the in-game store (purchase... 了解更多

Changes: November

Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in November. Some of the fixes below have been known for some time, some have come into effect with the last restart of the realm. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.   Changes:     November 1 - November 17  ... 了解更多

Changes: October

Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in October. Some of the fixes below have been known for some time, some have come into effect with the last restart of the realm. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.   Changes:     September 30 - October 31  ... 了解更多

Hallow's End on PandawoW

For one week, starting from October 28th, our Hallow's End boss will appear in the game!     Twice a day from October 28th until November 3rd (inclusive), at 14:00 and at 20:00 server time, you can try your luck and take part in the battle with a new boss. The loot is very interesting - mounts, pets and... 了解更多

Transferring characters from the x5 Realm

Transferring characters from the x5 Realm On September 13th it will be possible to transfer characters from the x5 Realm to one of our other Realms - x100 or xFUN - for free, and therefore, starting September 13th, you will not be able to create new characters on the x5 Realm anymore.     Read... 了解更多