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Seventeenth Arena Season, x100 & FUN & x5

2021-12-29, on PandaWoW Х100 & FUN & x5 starts the Seventeenth Arena Season, it will last approximately 3 months 1-4 places rating: 2600+ Title Gladiator + the same title on the forum (optional) + mount Swift Nether Drake and 5000 5-10 places Title Duelist + the same title on the forum (optional) and 1000 11... 了解更多

New Year Boss!

Starting from 31.12.2021 the New Year world boss "Snowman Saragon <Lord of Shadow Winter>" will be present on Azeroth on all realms. Boss Description: Location: Azeroth -> Pandaria -> Kun-Lai Summit -> Shado-Pan MonasteryBoss will appear once a dayBoss will be active until 07.01.2022The boss will appear... 了解更多

Changes: December

11 - 29 December, 2021 General: Fixed an exploit with custom shirts and possibly other similar items, where player was able to save aura even after the item got removed. Dungeons and Raids: Siege of Orgrimmar: Garrosh HellscreamFixed an issue due to which Кор'кронская железная звезда was standing still and... 了解更多

PandaWoW - 2022!

PandaWoW server administration congratulates everyone with the upcoming New Year 2022 and Christmas! Wishing you joy at Christmas and prosperity in the coming year. Thank you for being such an important part of what we do. Besides, starting today to 10.01.2022 (included) we launched the following promotions in... 了解更多

Patch 5.3 content release.

Patch 5.3 content update. On 12/29/2021, the content of patch 5.3 will become available on x5 realm. Our developers have been working on it for quite some time, and therefore the time has finally come to let our players know what awaits them in-game with this update. New Arena Season: The new arena season will begin... 了解更多

Changes: December

1 - 10 December 2021. General: Reworked 3v3 solo queue matchmaking. Players who qued earlier than others will now have priority for getting into the group. Previously, the selection was made by class, for example, druids were always the last and if there were other classes in the queue, then the druids might never... 了解更多

Changes: november

1 - 30 November 2021. General: Fixed a bug due to which the bonuss roll window disappeared, and the roll itself was not made if the player was casting a spell at that moment.Added the ability to visually hide the shield at the transmogrifier.NPCs can now be party / raid membersFixed freezing of the combat mode on training dummies... 了解更多

Changes: october

1-15 October 2021. General: Web: Added new style for forum design. Instances & Raids: Throne of Thunder:Kazra'jin:Frostbite Now will correctly calculate damage reducing abilities.Lu'lin:Звездный обстрел Now she will launch 8 stars on 25-man mode.Lei Shen:Corrections to Overcharged zone calculation where player can... 了解更多

«Throne of Thunder» Heroic difficulty and LFR difficulty

«Throne of Thunder» Heroic difficulty and LFR difficulty On Wednesday, October 6, immediately after the morning server restart (at 8:00 CEST or 9:00 Moscow time), the first two wings of the «Throne of Thunder» raid - «Last Stand of the Zandalari» and «Forgotten Depths» - will become available in the raid finder system. In order to join... 了解更多

Shop update

Shop update There have been changes in the in-game store! From now on, you can buy professions there! The profession can only be purchased for a level 90 character. When buying a profession, the character receives a profession of level 600 and all the recipes for this profession, available in this Patch. In addition, a lot more... 了解更多