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PandaWoW - 2018

Dear Players,

Today, we would like to talk about several things. There will be a lot of text, but it is all valuable information. Please take the time to read this announcement.

First and foremost: A little over a month ago, our project had it's birthday. PandaWoW turned 5!

I'm very ashamed that we didn't celebrate this moment properly, nor did we address it! Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our players for staying with us all these years. We are very pleased that you choose to play on our server. We are all doing our best to provide you with a quality gaming experience, even if some of you don't agree.
I also wanted to express my gratitude to all my Colleagues: Testers, Moderators, Technical Support, Game Masters, Developers and Leads. During these 5 years we've been through a lot. We had wonderful peaks of over 14 000 people online, and challenges with weekly downtime. But, nevertheless, we're still here. From my perspective, it seems (comparing to other MOP servers) that we're number one in the world - thank you for that!

In honor of this, we're launching the following promotions:
  • All prices for items have been reduced by 25%.
  • You will now get an additional 20% bonuses, whenever you donate in the Control Panel (for example, if you purchase 100 coins, you get 120 coins on the account).
  • As a special thanks, we've given 250 silver coins to all players who have done all of the following:
    - Registered account in 2013
    - Logged into PandaWoW in the last month.
    In total, that's 4461 accounts - which means we gave away 1,115,250 coins!
These promotions will last for a week, ending on 08.06.2018.

We have also launched contests in our groups:

  • You must be subscribed to our group.
  • Write under the entry "Participate".
  • Press "Like" on post.
  • Make a repost.

Facebook: LINK
  • You must be subscribed to our group.
  • Write under the entry "Participate".
  • Press "Like" on post.
  • Make a repost.

08.06.2018 we will sum up the results of the contests.

There will be 10 winners in VK and 10 winners in Facebook. We will select winners randomly.

Prize - any mount from our shop! Good luck to all!

The next important topic is the Seventh Arena Season!
You've asked and asked and waited a long time - but the season didn't start. We apologize, but there were plenty of reasons.
Finally, we are ready to begin (it's still not 100%, but you know it's impossible to make everything perfect on practice)!

Information about the new season:

Please pay attention to the fact that you can't queue on the arena or the battleground without our launcher:
If you experience difficulties with launching or using the launcher, create a topic in this section:

We received some feedback from a small part of the player base about the launcher, asking why it's required. I would like to explain: this is a necessary measure in order to help us detect PQR. All previous seasons, half of the ladder had been using this program to dishonorably receive rewards, and it was technically impossible to detect it. Now any attempts to use PQR are stopped instantly.

There were also those who were concerned with false rumors that we added a "virus" / "miner" into our launcher. I assure you that this is utter absurdity! Think for yourself, why do we need this? Firstly, if your computer were "mining" when using our launcher, your CPU/GPU would instantly load up to 100%. Secondly, even if we did it as inconspicuously as possible, it would bring so little money, that would not even justify the spent time, and after that our reputation and trust would extremely suffer.

I wish everyone good luck in the new season!

Finally, I would like to introduce our new official PandaWoW video..
In the near future we will launch an advertising campaign, with the hopes of attracting new players to PandaWoW.

Enjoy the new video, and thank you again for playing on PandaWoW!