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Fourteenth Arena Season

Starting from September 1st, 2020, on PandaWoW project the fourteenth arena season started with the issuance awards for it, it will last until January 1st, 2021.

Awards for realms PandaWoW x100 and Fun:


1-10 places Title Duelist + the same title on the forum (by optional) and 500
11-20 places Title Rival + the same title on the forum (by optional) and 250
21-30 places Title Challenger + the same title on the forum (by optional) and 150


1-5 places Title Furious Gladiator + the same title on the forum (by optional), mount Furious Gladiator's Frost Wyrm and 2000
6-10 places Title Gladiator + the same title on the forum (by optional), mount Swift Nether Drake and 1500
11-13 places Title Duelist + the same title on the forum (by optional) and 750
14-15 places Title Rival + the same title on the forum (by optional) and 500
16-20 places Title Challenger + the same title on the forum (by optional) and 300

Important information about the season:

- For players R1-R3 (only 3x3), new titles will be issued each time to be visually distinguishable between the best players of each season. Players between R4-R20 (3v3)/R10-R30 (2v2) will have the same titles.
- To get rewards of a held bracket, the player that ranked 30th place should not have less rating than 2200 in 2v2 and not less than 2000 in 3v3 for the player that ranked 20th place, otherwise rewards will not be issued.
- If more than half of the top 30/20 players will be caught wintrading then the rewards in this season will not be issued.
- Any players that break any rules which affects rating (e.g MMR abuse, win trading, inaction in the arena, etc.) in any way will not be counted in the top 30/20 players and their rating will be removed. All characters from the banned account lose the chance to get any reward in that season and will be disqualified from the table at the end of season.
- Rewards and titles for 1v1/5v5/RBG/SoloQue will not be issued.
- At the end of a season bonuses will be issued to the account that are bound to the character.
- You may not transfer character to another account (or sell) during the final month of the season.
- Only one unique player character, in the bracket, gets the reward in the form of bonuses or money. If the player participates with more than 2 characters and all of the characters takes place in the top list then the player will only get the reward for one of them but the title and mount for all of them.
Rules for issuing titles on the forum:
- Title is given only for the last season (and not for all seasons in the server’s history). Exception: if user already had a title from one of previous seasons, but it disappeared for some reason. In this case, we can restore it from old screenshots or our available data.
- Title is given only with indication of the nickname that is in the season winner board, even if the character has already been renamed.
- In case of an argument from several users applying for a title from same character, the title will be given to the person to whom the character belonged to at the end of the season.

Results of the 13th arena season can be found here.