Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in February. Some of the fixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.
February 09, 2021
- Fixed an issue due to which training dummies were not immune to fear and other similar type of effects.
- Fixed an issue due to which anti-cheat was falsely reacting to Shadowstep.
- Summons, which follow the player will now dynamically change their speed to keep up with the player.
- Fixed issues with visibility after teleportation.
- Pathfinding (will be enabled after the server restart):
- Various improvements for creature knockbacks.
- Creature knockbacks will no longer generate a full path but instead only use a destination point to reflect sniff data.
- Calculate the destination by using a mmap raycast instead of using mmap path, which had the chance of creating weird movements when GetNearPosition failed to get a proper collision point (knocking around a tree for example or just somewhere it should not go at all).
- Fixed pet movement on transport.
- Fixed "Follow" command for pets.
- Fixed pet animation effect when following the player.
- Now, when evading, mobs will look for a path to home position and only if there is no path, then run and ignore pathfinding.
- Fixed an issue where some NPCs could not go through small doors and jump over them.
- Fixed an issue with pets, where they would sometimes stop when moving towards the owner.
Instances & Raids:
- Challenge Mode Reset will no longer reset all player cooldowns, only major ones.
- Major player cooldowns will now reset after completing a scenario (This does not apply for xFun).
- Fixed issue due to which Celestials could not work on Timeless Isle.
- Added a lot of missing items for all trash mobs on normal mode & heroic mode.
- Reset Challenge Mode Records.
- Reset Pandaria Raid Achievements + Titles on xFun.
- Siege of Orgrimmar:
- Malkorok:
- Fixed an issue due to which damage taken by Blood Rage was reduced player's armor.
- Pandaria World Bosses:
- Salyis's Warband (Galleon):
- Fixed Intro Event.
- Fixed an issue due to which boss could fire Cannon Barrage in wrong direction.
- Fixed damage radius for Cannon Barrage.
- Added animation for Stomp.
- Fixed summon animation for Salyin Warmonger.
- Salyin Warmonger will now grip target to him with Impaling Pull
- Sha of Anger:
- Fixed an issue due to which players under the effect of Aggressive Behavior were affected by PvP Resilence & Battle Fatigue.
- Fixed effect radius for Aggressive Behavior, Endless Rage & Bitter Thoughts.
- Fixed exploit which prevented boss from melee attacking.
- Increased Encounter Area how far will boss try to attack players standing out of his melee range.
- Mogu'shan Vaults:
- Added Boss Emote when players trigger Shield of Darkness & Impervious Shield.
- Fixed all known issues with Flanking Orders.
- Fixed an issue due to which player could not free himself from Pinned Down using some of his class abilities.
- Fixed an issue due to which Nullification Barrier was instantly interrupted.
- Fixed all known issues with Maddening Shout.
- Fixed an issue due to which Soul Fragment had same amount of health in all phases. The sooner players transition boss into heroic-only phase, the less health these creatures will have.
- Fixed an issue due to which players could not interrupt Shadow Bolt.
- Fixed exploit with Voodoo Dolls.
- Reworked Ancient Mogu Machine Summon Timers for Emperor's Rage, Emperor's Courage, Emperor's Strength, Jan-xi & Qin-xi.
- Fixed an issue due to which Energizing Smash could damage players standing outside visual effect.
- Fixed an issue due to which Energizing Smash visually did not increase with each stack.
- Added "Soft Enrage" mechanic on Jan-xi & Qin-xi encounter.
- Added a mechanism which will trigger at start of Jan-xi & Qin-xi encounter. Players who will be standing outside boss encounter area will now get gripped or teleported to middle of room.
- The Spirit Kings (Meng the Demented):
- Fixed an issue due to which player under effect Сводящий с ума крик could not be attacked by players without this effect.
- Scarlet Halls:
- Fixed an issue due to which Scarlet Treasurer continued to walk around the halls while in combat with players.
- Fixed spell damage radius for Cannon Blast.
- Added 2 missing creatures after first boss - Scarlet Defender & Scarlet Evoker.
- Fixed Razor Edge.
- Fixed an issue due to which Scarlet Cannoneer placed players in permanent combat until they got killed.
- Fixed damage radius for Exploding Shot.
- Reworked Event with Commander Lindon & Master Archer.
- Improved Script for Angry Hound
- Fixed an issue due to which Vigilant Watchman & Scarlet Scourge Hewer sometimes did not count in Challenge Mode criteria list.
- Fixed an issue due to which players could use Throw Bucket of Meaty Dog Food 2 times in a row.
- Fixed an issue due to which Fireball Volley could hit players standing behind the wall.
- Fixed an issue due to which door after Commander Lindon was closed if player re-entered the dungeon after completing this event with no instance cooldown.
- Reduced radius for Blades of Light.
- Scarlet Monastery:
- Fixed damage done by Barrel Explosion.
- Fixed an issue due to which Heal sometimes did not heal allies.
- Fixed an issue due to which players could remain in combat with Pile of Corpses while being very far away from it.
- Fixed an issue due to which zombies summoned by Pile of Corpses did not despawn after a while.
- Fixed exploit on High Inquisitor Whitemane.
- Many corrections to High Inquisitor Whitemane encounter.
- Fixed an issue due to which Training Dummy left players in permanent combat.
- Fixed an issue due to which Brother Korloff was following players while channeling Firestorm Kick
- Scholomance:
- Fixed Wander's Colossal Book of Shadow Puppets, Antonidas' Self Help Guide to Standing in Fire & The Anarchist Arcanist
- Fixed an issue due to which players could remain in combat with Black Candle while being far away from it.
- Fixed an issue due to which Shadow Nova could damage players standing behind a wall.
- Fixed issues which caused event creatures to use incorrect path.
- Fixed damage done by Explosive Pain
- Fixed an issue due to which Boneweaver was not following players while in combat.
- Fixed an issue due to which Bone Shards could hit players standing behind the wall.
- Fixed an issue due to which Lilian Voss & Lilian's Soul had lower melee damage on Challenge Mode than expected.
- Temple of the Jade Serpent:
- Fixed an issue due to which players could receive more than 1 Seed of Doubt debuff per crystal.
- Added Missing Intro Visual Effect when players start Lorewalker Stonestep encounter.
- Corrections to Event Creature Paths.
- Fixed an issue due to which players could stack Seed of Doubt on Sha of Doubt.
- Mogu'shan Palace:
- Boss can now apply Conflagrate only on players.
- Whirlwind will no longer knockback pets.
- Cleansing Flame will no longer target creatures not in combat.
- Attempt to try to fix issue due to which players sometimes get stuck in combat mode after first boss.
- Fixed an issue due to which player could collect same Jade Quilen two times.
- Fixed an issue due to which Iron Protector got interrupted when creature entered combat.
- Stormstout Brewery:
- Fixed path for Nibbler.
- Fixed an issue due to which player could use Rolling Barrel while stunned.
- Fixed exploit with Fiery Illusion Removed & Watery Illusion Removed.
- Fixed an issue due to which players could collect same Golden Hopling two times.
- Fixed an issue due to which Ferment was ignoring walls.
- Fixed damage radius for Suds & Carbonation.
- Fixed an issue due to which players could remaind in combat with Fiery Trickster & Aqua Dancer while being very far away.
- Fixed Visual Effect for Explosive Brew.
- Corrected Damage Radius for Gushing Brew.
- Fixed an issue due to which Ground Pound was interrupted by boss himself.
- Fixed an issue due to which Hoptallus did not melee attack.
- Fixed an issue due to which Ook-Ook had lower melee damage on Challenge Mode than expected.
- Shado-Pan Monastery:
- Fixed an issue due to which Lightning Breath could hit players, who were not standing infront of Azure Serpent.
- Fixed an issue due to which players could stay in combat with Hateful Essence while being very far away.
- Fixed an issue due to which Ball of Fire & Ball of Fire could sometimes move in wrong direction (behind boss).
- Fixed an issue due to which players could not interrupt Rising Hate.
- Fixed exploit with Purification Ritual.
- Siege of Niuzao Temple:
- Fixed an issue due to which Bombard could target pets.
- Fixed damage radius for Bombard.
- Fixed an issue due to which players could click the Gong 2 times in a row.
- Other small Changes to Commander Vo'jak encounter.
- Corrections to General Pa'valak phase 2.
- Gate of the Setting Sun:
- Corrections to Visibility, Creature Paths, Combat Mode.
- Fixed an issue due to which door before Saboteur Kip'tilak was closed if player entered the instance after previously completing the intro event.
- Fixed an issue due to which mantid and shado-pan were not fighting at start of the instance.
- Fixed an issue due to which bombs summoned by Sabotage ignored walls.
- Firelands:
- Lord Rhyolith:
- Fixed position for boss legs.
- Ulduar:
- Halls of Reflection:
- Fixed dialogue with Lady Jaina Proudmoore after the first stage.
Classes & Spells:
- Fixed autoattack when using wands.
- Fixed teleport radius for abilities such as Череда убийств, Шаг сквозь тень on some bosses, for example Глубиний.
- Fixed exploit with Вендетта and specialization changing.
- Fixed an issue due to which Ловкость рук effect from "Item - Rogue T16 4P Bonus"(Item - Rogue T16 4P Bonus was consumed by Потрошение.
- Using potions now triggers the talent, but does not immediately remove stealth.
- Fixed an issue due to which damage done by Глубокая рана, used by Trees summoned by Сила Природы, was increased by spell power and was twice affected by Искусность: когти-лезвия.
- Fixed an issue due to which Сон Кенария effect increased damage done by Глубокая рана, which is used by the Trees, summoned by talent - Сила Природы.
- Fixed an issue due to which Озарение could take into account some spirit bonuses, such as Беспокойный дух from trinket Деформированный самофланж прерывистости.
- Fixed an issue due to which Природная стремительность was consumed by Гнев деревьев, which is used by Trees summoned by Сила Природы.
Death Knight
- Festering Strike will no longer extend the duration of plagues, if it misses the target.
- Fixed damage done by Вихрь клинков in Arms specialization.
- Размашистые удары now only triggers once from being hit by Вихрь клинков on more than 1 target.
- Исступление now triggers no more than once every 3 seconds from critical blocks Искусность: критический блок.
- Мощный удар щитом no longer generates rage if it doesn't hit the target.
- Реванш no longer generates rage if it doesn't hit the target.
- Fixed an issue due to which Непроницаемый щит sometimes used more rage than a warrior had, and the stock of rage went down.
- Duration of Камуфляж will now only interrupt when Отпугивание зверя expires.
- Fixed an issue due to which after the use of Отвлекающий выстрел in combination with glyph - Символ отвлекающего выстрела on an enemy pet, he attacked the hunter himself.
- Fixed animation of triggered traps.
- Fixed trigger radius for hunter traps.
- Fixed an issue due to which after taking melee damage, the bar for casting Дзен-медитация could visually remain active.
- Символ тотемного круга gltph will no longer re-place idle element totems if they were already placed.
- Adjustments to the position of totems when they are transferred with a spell Проецирование тотемов.
- Священная битва is no longer affected by effects that increase attack speed, for example Искусство быстрой битвы.
- Fixed an issue due to which Воин богов, triggered by "Item - Paladin T16 Retribution 4P Bonus" bonus(Item - Paladin T16 Retribution 4P Bonus) did not increase damage done by 50% for Божественная буря.
- Fixed damage done by Щит мстителя.
- Adjustment to target selection for Защитник древних королей.
- Щит праведника now consumes holy power if it doesn't hit the target.
- Fixed tier set bonus - "Item - Paladin T15 Retribution 2P Bonus" (Item - Paladin T15 Retribution 2P Bonus) and "Item - Paladin T15 Retribution 4P Bonus" (Item - Paladin T15 Retribution 4P Bonus).
- Upon changing talent - Прихоти судьбы its effect will get removed too.
- Movement speed increase received from Тело и душа can no longer be applied on vehicles.
- Fixed an issue due to which, upon entering the arena, the amount of shadow orbs visually remained on previous amount.
Battle Pets:
- Fixed crash from battle after Launch Rocket application.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed pets to level up faster.
- Fixed Wanderer's Festival Hatchling
- Fixed respawn of many battle pets, including elite ones for "Beasts from Legends".
- Elite battle pets now always have level 25.
- Fixed shifting battle pet slots if the player has not learned Battle Pet Training
- Fixed freezing of the pet battle if the 2nd or 3rd pet died and resurrected during the battle.
- Elite pets in the world will no longer be seen in teams.
- Fixed abilities that increase critical strike chance, such as the following:
- Fixed targets for the following abilities, as well as some healing abilities:
- Fixed duration of some buffs (previously it was 0).
- Fixed calculation of the number of blocks for abilities that block hits.
- The passive ability - Humanity now has a small visual delay before healing.
- Fixed a pet battle crash due to Minefield
- Decoy now works on all your pets, not just active one.
- Ancient Blessing now works on all your pets, not just active one.
- These auras now remain for the entire battle, not just on the active pet:
- Fixed a pet battle crash due to Booby-Trapped Presents
- Added gossips and texts for battle pet trainers (NPC menu).
- Fixed target selection for 7 battle pet abilities:
- These abilities now work on the active pet, rather than on the one with the aura:
- This ability now works for the team:
Items & Objects:
- Corrected localization for 1300 items.
- Salyin Battle Banner can now be used anywhere on x100 Realm & PTR, except for duel zone, raids and during boss encounters in dungeons.
- Removed Orgrimmar portals from goblin locations.
- Fixed an issue issue due to which players could put Eye of the Black Prince only on weapons above item level 528.
- Corrections to item sell criteria for Blacktalon Quartermaster. Should fix issue when player was unable to buy something from the list, for example, Eye of the Black Prince after changing the faction.
- Fixed exploit with Firestorm Egg on xFun Realm.
- Fixed chests on minimap on Timeless Isle.
- Added phase for portals
- Corrected object Riverblade Spike Trap
- Removed duplicate apples on the Timeless Isle.
- Fixed low trigger chance of Рассекающий удар from Источник плавкого пламени and similar, also its damage is no longer affected by armor.
- Changed the location to which the portal to Orgrimmar, located in the Village of Honeydew in the Jade Forest, will teleport.
NPC & Creatures:
- Added phase and creatures in area "Temple of the Jade Serpent" in The Jade Forest after The Temple of the Jade Serpent
- NPC Unga Rocket Surgeon in Unga Ingoo will no longer run in the air.
- Fixed NPC Summoned Imp
- Fixed NPC Rok'nah Felcaster
- Fixed NPC Captain Ook in Unga Ingoo
- Fixed NPC Chagan Firehoof in Arena of Annihilation.
- Added ability to return player to the "Temple of the Jade Serpent" (area in The Jade Forest) using Elder Sage Wind-Yi's menu.
- Removed Many Creatures & GameObjects, which should not even be in this location in main phase.
- Removed Many Creatures & GameObjects, which should not even be in this location in main phase. Bye bye Guild banks and Mage Orbs!
- Scripted NPC The Fearmaster
- Corrected NPC spawn Anji Autumnlight
- Added missing NPC
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