Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in February. Some of the fixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.


February 09, 2021


  • Fixed an issue due to which training dummies were not immune to fear and other similar type of effects.
  • Fixed an issue due to which anti-cheat was falsely reacting to Shadowstep.
  • Summons, which follow the player will now dynamically change their speed to keep up with the player.
  • Fixed issues with visibility after teleportation.
  • Pathfinding (will be enabled after the server restart):
    • Various improvements for creature knockbacks.
    • Creature knockbacks will no longer generate a full path but instead only use a destination point to reflect sniff data.
    • Calculate the destination by using a mmap raycast instead of using mmap path, which had the chance of creating weird movements when GetNearPosition failed to get a proper collision point (knocking around a tree for example or just somewhere it should not go at all).
    • Fixed pet movement on transport.
    • Fixed "Follow" command for pets.
    • Fixed pet animation effect when following the player.
    • Now, when evading, mobs will look for a path to home position and only if there is no path, then run and ignore pathfinding.
    • Fixed an issue where some NPCs could not go through small doors and jump over them.
    • Fixed an issue with pets, where they would sometimes stop when moving towards the owner.

Instances & Raids:

Classes & Spells:

  • Fixed autoattack when using wands.



Death Knight
  • Festering Strike will no longer extend the duration of plagues, if it misses the target.






  • Upon changing talent - Прихоти судьбы its effect will get removed too.
  • Movement speed increase received from Тело и душа can no longer be applied on vehicles.
  • Fixed an issue due to which, upon entering the arena, the amount of shadow orbs visually remained on previous amount.

Battle Pets:

Items & Objects:

NPC & Creatures: