On June 15, the content of the Patch 5.4 will be opened on the x5 realm.
Our developers have done a lot of work and very soon they will show you the results of several months of hard work! What will appear? What will change? What should you pay attention to? Now we will tell you!
New Raid

In this last raid of the entire expansion, you will be able to get maximum level equipment items:
normal mode - 553-569
heroic mode - 566-582
LFR mode - 528
The raid will be opened gradually from the moment the 5.4. content appears in the game. The bosses of the first wing will be available in normal mode in one week after the update, and after that the same wing will be available in LFR mode and flex. And, as usual, the heroic mode will open at once after the last wing appears in the game in normal mode. The wings being opened will be announced in separate announcements in the future.
In order to join «Siege of Orgrimmar» on Looking For Raid difficulty, your character's item level must be at least 496.
Flex mode does not require players to have a certain item level to zone in, but it does require you to queue with a premade group.
What a Flex mode? Read below:
Flex mode

The new raid - Siege of Orgrimmar - will be available in another mode - flexible.
This is a new raid difficulty designed for pre-made groups of 10 to 25 players or any number in between. This means it's possible to have raids of 15 or 22 players! Difficulty will adjust automatically based on the number of players present with encounters intended to provide a challenge roughly between Raid Finder and Normal difficulty. Loot quality will be between Raid Finder and Normal difficulty (540 ilvl) and awarded through a personal loot system (similar to Raid Finder).
Flexible Raid difficulty has a lockout that is separate from Raid Finder and Normal difficulty.
To get into a flexible raid, you need to open the bottom tab "Flexible Raid" in the Dungeon Finder menu (I) and select the desired wing.
New Zone

The Timeless Isle is home to five new world raid bosses! Players may face each of the four Celestials in a trial of combat.
Heroes who have earned the legendary cloak from Wrathion may access the sanctum of the fiery Yaungol demigod Ordos, atop the Timeless Isle.
The Timeless Isle is inhabited by all manner of strange and powerful creatures that will test the mettle of solo explorers, but great rewards await the brave and skillful: epic loot, bind-to-account gear, Mogu Runes of Fate, pets, mounts, fun toys, and much more.
Continuation of the legendary questchain

The last, fifth chapter of the journey through Pandaria with the Wrathion is coming to an end!
This time he will send you to a Timeless Isle, where you will fight with the celestials, and then to the siege of the Horde capital.
Wrathion’s final quests are available for dedicated heroes who have fought on his behalf throughout the pandaren campaign. He wiil be waiting at the Tavern in the Mists in the Veiled Stair. Talk with him in quest Preparing to Strike
Proving Grounds

Proving Grounds is a new feature where level 90 players can test their mettle and undertake trials designed for Damage, Tank, or Healer roles to test and improve their combat skills in a safe, controlled environment.
To access the Proving Grounds, speak with an NPC in the Temple of the White Tiger in Kun-Lai Summit or a class trainer.
Each trial is available in four separate difficulties: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Endless. Harder difficulties include more difficult and varied enemies.
Endless mode allows you to test your mettle against increasingly difficult enemies. Compare your best scores to friends and guildmates!
Because what is being tested here is your skill and not your gear, all of your items will be downscaled to ilvl 463 while in this scenario, also all tier bonuses are disabled, as are any procs from legendary items or weapons.
Other changes

- With the update, the loot from the world bosses will also be automatically updated, in which items of the new arena season and a new raid will appear.
- New PvP Items 496/522 levels for Honor Points/Conquest Points and Old Items 486/496 levels for Honor Points/Conquest Points will still be replaced with similar items of 522/550 levels on the battlegrounds and arenas.
- With the opening of the Timeless Isle, Pandaria cooks will be able to start a quest chain to open a recipe for a noodle cart: Noodle Secrets Long Forgotten.
All week after the update, you will be able to activate 1 free character boost on all accounts.
And so that you can quickly prepare your character for new content, a buff Взгляд Черного принца will also be in effect all week, which will allow you to faster receive reputation with the Black Prince and get items in past content raids. |