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Changes: November

Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in November. Some of the fixes below have been known for some time, some have come into effect with the last restart of the realm. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.





Oсtober 25 - November 15





  • The change in instant exit from the world for premium accounts will now work for players with PvP mode enabled, but only if they have not been in combat in the last 10 seconds
  • Fix loading stuck after use portals to Stormwind/Orgrimmar in the Death Knight start location.
  • Fixed ability to revive character in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms after death at the Guo-Lai Halls.
  • Attempt to fix skinning bug because or recipes.
  • Fixed the display of the time when money will be received for the goods from the auction
  • Optimizations to the code to improve FPS in mass gatherings of players.
  • Reduced the price for hiding equipment at special NPC on x100 realm.
  • Fixed displaying of "Pilgrim's Bounty" in calendar of 2023.
  • Removed ability to summon players in enemy capitals and Elwynn Forest & Durotar.
  • Fixed few Anticheat false alarms.
  • Fixed few reasons caused the server to crash.


Instances & Raids:


  • Reworked Loot From Trash Mobs in All Pandaria Dungeons. Each Quality Equipment (green, blue, epic) are now rare drops:
    • Temple of the Jade Serpent

    • Mogu'shan Palace

    • Stormstout Brewery

    • Shado-pan Monastery

    • Gate of the Setting Sun

    • Siege of Niuzao Temple

    • Scholomance

    • Scarlet Halls

    • Scarlet Monastery

  • Fixed the distribution of loot by need in groups collected by dungeons finder.

  • Fixed an issue due to which some encounter loot chests despawned before all the items were rolled out, which caused some items to be lost

  • Legendary Cloak Questline Item (Sigil of Power  Sigil of Wisdom Secrets of the Empire & Titan Runestone drop chance is now also affected by the content patch to which a given chapter is tied to. For example first chapter items which are part of Patch 5.0.5 will have a higher drop chance in Patch 5.1 and even more higher chance in Patch 5.2

  • World Boss & Pandaria Raid Personal and Bonus Loot is now also affected by content patch. Instead of having the same drop chance for the entire expansion player will now have have a higher chance to receive loot from older patch content

  • Scenarios:
    • Theramore's Fall (Alliance):
      • Fixed a bug where the scene at the beginning of the scenario could not be canceled.
      • Fixed a bug when the fire on the ships entered players in combat mode.
    • Theramore's Fall (Horde):

      • Fixed teleportation into Orgrimmar after the scene ends.

  • Gate of the Setting Sun:
    • Corrected damage radius for Screeching Swarm

    • Reworked All Achievements

    • Increased Effect Radius for Mantid Munitions Blast

    • Fixed two reasons that caused players to be stuck in permanent combat inside the instance

    • Corrected Event After First Boss

  • Stormstout Brewery:

    • Reworked All Achievements

    • Fixed an issue due to which Smash! did not knock enemy rabbits in air

    • Some creatures now aggro in pack

    • Fixed an issue due to which Explosive Brew sometimes did not stun players

    • Creatures hit by Brew Explosion will now enter combat

    • Fixed an issue due to which boss in some cases did not turn during Carrot Breath

    • Fixed an issue due to which Bubbling Brew Alemental did not move around the room

    • Fixed damage radius for Explosive Brew

    • Fixed 1 reason which caused players to be in permanent combat until they defeat first boss

    • Fixed an issue due to which Yan-Zhu the Uncasked did not drop any loot on heroic difficulty

  • Mogu'shan Palace:

    • Fixed an issue due to which Secret Defense Mechanism could only be triggered on heroic difficulty

    • Reworked All Achievements

    • Some creatures now aggro in packs

    • Attempt to try to fix issue due to which players are sometimes stuck in combat after first boss

    • Fixed an issue due to which Glintrok Ironhide did not chase the victim

    • Fixed an issue due to which Magnetic Field did not pull players

  • Shado-pan Monastery:

    • Fixed an issue due to which second boss encounter did not mark as completed, which caused few issues later in the dungeon.

  • Scarlet Halls:

    • Fixed an issue due to which players could complete heroic difficulty dungeon quests on normal difficulty

  • Scholomance:

    • Fixed an issue due to which NPC offered Normal Difficulty Quests on Heroic Difficulty



Magnetic Field
Channeled20 sec cooldown
Harnesses electrical currents around the caster to create a magnetic field that grows in power the longer it is channeled. Creatures caught in the area of effect are pulled toward the caster. Players within 10 yards of the caster suffer 49500 Nature damage every 1 seconds.