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"Heart of Fear" & "Terrace of Endless Spring"



Opening schedule for "Heart of Fear" & "Terrace of Endless Spring"



We have prepared for you a schedule for the release of the next content of the 5.0.5 Patch immediately for a month ahead:

  • December, 6: «Heart of Fear» will become available in normal mode.
  • December, 13: «Heart of Fear» will become available in heroic mode.
    + first half of the «Heart of Fear» raid in LFR system (The Dread Approach).
  • December, 20: second half of the «Heart of Fear» raid in LFR system (The Nightmare of Shek'zeer).
    + «Terrace of Endless Spring» will become available in normal mode.
  • December, 27: «Terrace of Endless Spring» will become available in heroic mode.
    + the whole raid «Terrace of Endless Spring» in LFR system.


All raids in normal mode and in LFR mode will open immediately after the morning restart of the server, and in heroic mode - at 16:00 GMT (19:00 Moscow time). And, of course, in heroic mode, you will receive an additional reward in the first week after the opening of the mode.


In order to join «Heart of Fear» on Looking For Raid difficulty, your character's item level must be at least 470. In order to join «Тerrace of Endless Spring» on Looking For Raid difficulty, your character's item level must be at least 470 and you should have achievement Nightmare of Shek'zeer from the raid "Heart of Fear".


And besides, December is approaching, which means the time of holidays! We will have them too, and we will tell you about them separately in December.