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Changelog #1 on 5.4.8 from 09.20.14

With the first update to 5.4.8 after the release, we continue to work with WoWCircle, because still have some problems with game mechanics, which alone is enough to solve the long and hard, up to the 2nd update, we are continuing to development together, which is obtained mutually beneficial.

Below you can see a changelog, which was made on 5.4.8 for 3.5 weeks, from 08.25.14 to 09.20.14:

Status: applied on PandaWoW x10.


- Fixed client functions for change: race, faction, appearance, nickname.
- Raid marks fixes, fixed the bug with the spam of marks + some refactoring of the code.
- Bug fixed when you didn’t get a cooldown for some instances of MoP.
- Fixed bug, when displaying the message that a quest has been failed, though it can be completed.
- Mobs teleportation fixed.
- Guild emblem change fixed.
- Some work with the world update packet, solved the 132 errors problem during the game and guild bank usage, also will decrease amount of problems with the visibility.
- Chance loot of the world bosses is switched to group loot, with static item count.
- Fixed 3 reason of server crash..

Looking for Group:

- Fixed queue.
- Fixed choosing and displaying the roles in the LFG.
- Instance invitation fixed (a message with on a table appears).
- Rewards for the LFG instance run fixed (tested in the MoP instances).
- Comments and votes for kicking from the instance made.
- Bug fixed when you couldn’t click “enter the instance” for some instances.
- Bug with a group after running the instance fixed.
- Minimal level for Cataclysm and MoP instances defined (most part of instances of the 80-89 levels was blocked in the LFG).

* The main problem is not still fixed – hanging after getting into the instance, we don’t know how to fix it now, because it doesn’t always appear. It can hang your client 5 times in a row or it cannot hang it even 10 times. You should just relaunch your client and enter the instance once more. You shouldn’t use a taxi or a flymount at this moment.


- Frame displaying in a party or raid fixed.
- Saving frame profiles fixed.
- Bug fixed when the LFG “Eye” was shown in all the parties.
- Fixed display frames in group after arena-bg-flg.

Arena and BG:

- Rated Battlegrounds is fixed + some achievements fixed.
- Conquest points gaining by winning the RBG twice or more fixed.


- Agro command deleted.
- Spell panel changing and saving fixed.


- Currency added to the loot.
- Item creation fixed.
- Archeology achievements fixed.


Death knight:

- Rune bug after the teleportation fixed.
- Blood Boil code optimization.
- Glyph of Regenerative Magic fixed.
- Fixed the amount of damage absorbed by the Anti-Magic Shell


- Fixed gaining the moon and solar energy.
- Celestial Alignment spell fixed.
- Force of Nature fixes:
* Roots duration in PvP fixed.
* Tender’s damage fix.
* Interaction with the Dummies fiex.


- Blink Strikes talent fixed.
- Bullheaded pet spell fixed.
- Bug fixed, when some spells (incorrect) could cancel the effect of Camouflage.


- Lightning and Chain Lightning damage under the effect of Mastery.
- Restorative Mists code optimization.


- Glyph of Shadow Bolt fixed.
- Bug fixed, when the Backlash stopped it’s effect if it worked because of Incinerate.


- Divine Star talent fixes
* Effect radius fixed.
* Shadowform animation fixed.
* Extra code deleted.


- Glyph of Icy Veins fixed.


- Bug fixed, when the cooldown of the Shockwave didn’t reduce after applying to more than 3 targets.


- Subterfuge talent fixes.

Spells, general:

- Last dot saving realized for the spells of periodic heal/damage.
- Parry bug fixed for different classes.

Fixed quests:

Warning: Some Assembly Required
Taking on All Challengers
The Rider of Blood
The Rider of Frost
The Rider of the Unholy
Tails Up
Setting the Stage
Leave No One Behind
Bring Down Those Shields
Tipping the Balance
Neferset Prison
Defending Wyrmrest Temple
Load'er Up!
Draconis Gastritis
Torture the Torturer
A Fall From Grace
Eyes of the Eagle
The Maw of Iso'rath
Rise, Forsaken
Bagging Bisp
All That Skitters
Heroes of Darrowshire
Eliminate the Competition
The Hunter and the Prince
Second Chances
Into The Wild Green Yonder
How To Win Friends And Influence Enemies
Kota Blend
Well, Come to the Jungle
Kota Blend
The Burlap Trail: To Kota Basecamp
No Pack Left Behind
Fiery Wings
Dead Zone
Tanaris is Calling
Warchief's Command: Tanaris!
Brann Bronzebeard's Lost Letter
The Reason for the Season
Garona Needs You
Murkblood Invaders
The Wrath of Shek'zeer
Bearer of Good Fortune
Final Delivery
The Challenger's Ring: Lao-Chin the Iron Belly
The Challenger's Ring: Hawkmaster Nurong
The Challenger's Ring: Snow Blossom
The Challenger's Ring: Tenwu of the Red Smoke
The Challenger's Ring: Chao the Voice
The Challenger's Ring: Yalia Sagewhisper
Rampaging Rodents
The Right Tool For The Job
The Golden Lotus
Making Stumps
Darkfeather the Elder
Torek's Assault
Weapons of Mass Dysfunction
City of Light
The Point of No Return
Farmhand Freedom
Neferset Prison
Smoke in Their Eyes
Violent Gale
War Supplies
Spiteful Spirits
The Ring of Blood: Skra'gath
The Ring of Blood: Rokdar the Sundered Lord
The Ring of Blood: The Blue Brothers
The Ring of Blood: Brokentoe
Guided by Honor
Stunning Defeat at the Ring
The Seal is Broken
For Family
Make Them Bleed
The Devourer of Darkshore
Latent Disease
Wildmane Cleansing
Bearer of Good Fortune
Heroes of Darrowshire
Lifting the Siege

Fixed npcs/objects:

Mistwing Cliffdweller
Maruut Stonebinder
Sergeant Kregga
Apprentice Osterkilgr
Karthis Darkrune
Drink Tray
Rake Tree
Zan'thik Resonator
Shado-Pan Spike Trap
Omnia Mage
Osul Ballista
Sunreaver Magus
Dak Dak
Hateful Ko Ko
Mistblade Scale-Lord
Krik'thik Catapult
Vor'thik Fear-Shaper
Stream Strider
Adjunct Sek'ot
Deactivated War Construct
Eerie Crystal
Ben of the Booming Voice
Speaker Gulan
Shuffling Mistlurker
Wounded Pilot
Mouthwatering Brew
Rushi the Fox
Mai the Jade Shaper
Despondent Warden of Zhu
Lost Mug
Lost Keg
Lost Picnic Supplies
Spiteful Spirit
Suna Silentstrike
Belnistrasz's Brazier
Alliance Infiltrator
Elder Sage Rain-Zhu
Nascent Fel Orc
Stormstout Secrets
K3 Bruiser
Exhausted Vrykul
Mistwing Cliffdweller
King Varian Wrynn

Do not forget to clear the cache of the game after the update.

King Varian Wrynn
King of Stormwind
Level ?? Humanoid (Elite)