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Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in October. Some of the fixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied. Changes: October 07, 2020 General: Fixed problem with entering the game after... 了解更多

Custom Magic Shirts with visual effects.

From now on, you can purchase in control panel custom shirts with various visual effects for your characters! Each shirt has one visual effect and has no texture, i.e. invisible! Each shirt is soulbound, it cannot be sold at auction house or be given to another character, and besides, some of them are available only to certain classes, carefully... 了解更多

Changes: September

Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in September. Some of the fixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied. Changes: September 17, 2020 General: Fixed an issue due to which longer pet... 了解更多

Fourteenth Arena Season

Starting from September 1st, 2020, on PandaWoW project the fourteenth arena season started with the issuance awards for it, it will last until January 1st, 2021. Awards for realms PandaWoW x100 and Fun: 2v2: 1-10 places Title Duelist + the same title on the forum (by optional) and 500 11-20 places Title Rival + the same title on the... 了解更多

Changes: July - August

Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in July-August. Some of the fixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied. Changes: August 24, 2020 General: Fixed few reasons which caused server to... 了解更多

Changes: June

Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in June. Some of the fixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied. Changes: June 17, 2020 General: Corrections to the new quest system.Fixed server... 了解更多

Thirteenth Arena Season starts!

Starting from 15th May 2020, on PandaWoW project the twelfth arena season started with the issuance awards for it, and with automatic verification of arena logs to identify win-trading, it will last until 15th August 2020. Awards for realms PandaWoW x100 and Fun: 2v2: 1-10 places Title Duelist + the same title on the forum (by optional... 了解更多

Looking for Testers in our QA-Team!

How to join QA team 了解更多

Discounts week on PandaWoW!

Control panel and servers are up again and all week until May 10, in the control panel will be active discounts on all items. 了解更多

Pandawow 7 years!

We celebrate the seven-year anniversary of PandaWoW! 20th April 2013 year, 7 years ago, the first game server on our project was opened - PandaWoW x100, which is still working, and PandaWoW is the largest Mists of Pandaria russian server! Over the years, the project has experienced many different events, there were times with a peak online... 了解更多