Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in June. Some of the fixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied.
June 09, 2021
Instances & Raids:
- Heart of Fear:
- Imperial Vizier Zor'lok:
- Fixed an issue due to which Echo of Attenuation sometimes spawned incorrectly in final phase.
- Fixed an issue due to which Noise Cancelling effect was applied to players standing closer to middle of visual effect (for example 4 closest players on 10 Heroic). Now effect will be applied to first 4 players who entered the visual effect. New players will not receive this effect until someone from first players leaves the visual effect.
- Wind Lord Mel'jarak:
- Quickening can now also be applied on boss.
- Quickening can no longer be applied to members of the swarm who have not yet joined the encounter (are flying to the platform) on heroic difficulty.
- Fixed timers for Quickening Mending Amber Prison Corrosive Resin & Kor'thik Strike.
- Only one member of the group (Zar'thik Battle-Mender & Sra'thik Amber-Trapper) is now able to cast a spell at same time.
- Added small delay before player takes first hit from Corrosive Resin Pool.
- Added a 3 second delay before all 3 Kor'thik Elite Blademaster will charge (Kor'thik Strike) to their target.
- Гаралон:
- Fixed an issue due to which Weak Points was not re-applied on legs which were killed and did not heal before boss received Damaged effect.
- Amber-Shaper Un'sok:
- Corrections to Volatile Amber timer.
- Fixed an issue due to which transformed player (Reshape Life) could use Amber Strike, Consume Amber & Break Free while casting Amber Explosion.
- Fixed an issue due to which boss could instantly take 40 willpower from player (Destroy Will) right after he got transformed (Reshape Life).
- Completely reworked target selection logic for Amber Beacon.
- Fixed an issue due to which effect Parasitic Growth did not take into account the received healing from some spells.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if a player used a wand, he could not use Smash under the effect Reshape Life.
- Fixed an issue due to which Parasitic Growth could not be removed by invulnerabilities such as Divine Shield and Ice Block.
- Grand Empress Shek'zeer:
- Fixed an issue due to which players could not see health bar of Dissonance Field on some addons.
- Fixed proceed chance, cooldown and spells which can proceed Poison Fumes.
- Fixed proceed chance and cooldown for Poison-Drenched Armor.
- Nearby Bubbling Resin will now combine into one and sum together their Sticky Resin stacks.
- Only one Set'thik Windblade is now able to use Fixate Dispatch Sonic Blade Sticky Resin at same time. Also corrected timers for each of these abilities.
- Dispatch can now be interrupted by knockback effects.
- Fixed an issue due to which Heart of Fear did not despawn at the end of encounter.
- Boss will now remain in passive react state for few seconds after performing Consuming Terror.
- Visions of Demise will no longer damage the player who has this effect.
- Terrace of Endless Spring:
- Protectors of the Endless (Protector Kaolan):
- Fixed an issue due to which remaining protectors did not heal up after players defeated one of them.
- Fixed an issue due to which players did not receive elite loot from bonus loot after completing the encounter on hard mode.
- Fixed an issue due to which Cleansing Waters did not heal a nearby boss.
- Fixed an issue due to which damage of Lightning Storm was not interrupted once boss died.
- Tsulong:
- Corrections to Sunbeam effect radius.
- The Dark of Night can no longer spawn under the stairs.
- Fixed an issue due to which The Light of Day remained on static values for full duration. Every tick healing done increase effect will reduce, while mana regeneration value will increase.
- Boss will now lose absolutely all buffs and debuffs after changing his phase.
- Fixed an issue due to which players could not apply Beacon of Light on boss.
- Corrected damage done by Unstable Bolt to caster.
- Corrected damage done by Sun Breath to sha minions.
- New wave of The Dark of Night will no longer spawn if there will be no active Sunbeam.
- The Dark of Night will now also destroy all nearby The Dark of Night.
- Fixed an issue due to which many sha minions could target same player with Unstable Bolt which ended up in player dying.
- The Dark of Night is no longer immune to grip effects.
- The Dark of Night will now move to a random position in center of the room and wait for next sunbeam to appear.
- Lei Shi:
- Fixed an issue due to which after players taunted boss she continued to cast Spray on previous target for some time.
- Boss will no longer be immune to taunt during Protect phase.
- Boss now drops 3 tokens and 3 gear pieces on 25-man Normal & 25-man Heroic Mode.
- Fixed all known issues for Hide.
- Fixed amount of Animated Protectors boss summons on heroic mode.
- Sha of Fear:
- Fixed an issue due to which bonus loot did not award any items from boss loot table.
- Champion of the Light will no longer get jump on the player standing closest to middle of the circle. Instead it will remain on player who first received this effect no matter where is he standing on this circle. Once player walks off of this circle a new player will be able to receive this effect.
- Boss now drops 3 tokens and 3 gear pieces on 25-man Normal & 25-man Heroic Mode.
- Fixed an issue due to which pets did not teleport together with owner between encounter platforms.
- Upon defeating boss all players who have incomplete Fear Itself will now automatically receive Chimera of Fear in their bag on all difficulties.
- Fixed an issue due to which players could not interrupt Penetrating Bolt
- Fixed an issue due to which Alter Time caused encounter wide issues with Champion of the Light
- Sha Spine now targets 4 random players on 10-man heroic difficulty and 10 players on 25-man heroic difficulty.
- Corrected Ominous Cackle target selection, now boss correctly forms a group of 5 players and takes into account both criterias - there should be 1 tank, 1 healer and 3 damage dealers. Priority targets are those who do not have Fearless buff. Added additional criterias in case boss in no able to form a group like that.
- Added small delay for before boss performs first melee hit after leaving passive react state.
- Reduced visibility distance for Yang Guoshi, Jinlun Kun & Cheng Kang.
- The Eye:
- Fixed players flying at Kael'thas Sunstrider.
- The Mechanar:
- Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill will no longer walk the 2nd floor.
- Added the door Mo'arg 2 Door and requirements for it.
- Fixed gobject Doodad_FactoryElevator01
- Halls of Origination:
- Fixed ability to reach the second floor using The Maker's Lift Controller.
- Blackrock Depths:
- Fixed the "Shadowforge Lock" mechanism.
- Fixed an issue with summons in old content dungeons where bosses summoned heroic versions of mobs on normal difficulty.
- Fixed an issue due to which the player got stuck when teleporting to LFR, if there was a boss fight in the raid.
Arena & Battlegrounds:
- Fixed a bug due to which the capture of points was not lost by attacks and abilities, if the damage from them was absorbed.
Classes & Spells:
- Fixed a bug due to which in some cases the character did not start attacking the target with an automatic attack after using the abilities.
- Fixed a bug due to which after the expiration of the effects of disarming, the character's melee damage increased.
- Fixed a bug due to which a character under the influence of fear effects could move at a speed higher than normal.
- Fixed a bug due to which the damage from the effect Blade Flurry could be less than 40% if the main target had effects that increase incoming damage.
- Fixed the damage coefficient from attack power for the spell Fan of Knives (from 14% to 17.5%).
- Fixed the damage coefficient from attack power for the spell Crimson Tempest in the Subtlety specialization (from 3.4% to 2.75%).
- Fixed a bug due to which the bonus set "Increased damage from Eviscerate and Poison" (Eviscerate and Envenom Bonus Damage) increased the damage of the spell 2098 in%, not a fixed value.
- Fixed the damage ratio of the attack power of the spell Deadly Throw in the Subtlety specialization (was 14.9%, now 12%).
- The interruption time for casting spells from Deadly Throw now depends on the number of combo points, 4 seconds with 3 points, 5 seconds with 4 points, and 6 seconds with 5 points.
- Fixed a bug due to which the buff from Envenom was triggered even if the ability did not hit the target.
- Fixed a bug due to which the ability Envenom did damage to targets that are immune to damage.
- Fixed an issue due to which the periodic effect from the spell Chaos Bolt under effect Grimoire of Sacrifice was not applied to the target if the spell was duplicated via Havoc.
- Fixed an issue due to which the set bonus "Item - Warlock T14 4P Bonus" (Item - Warlock T14 4P Bonus) did not work in the Affliction and Demonology specializations.
- Fixed an issue due to which Mastery: Illuminated Healing triggered from periodic healing Eternal Flame.
- Fixed an issue due to which Mastery: Illuminated Healing triggered from spell Stay of Execution twice.
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