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2 de junio de 2018 02:22

PandaWoW - 2018

Dear Players, Today, we would like to talk about several things. There will be a lot of text, but it is all valuable information. Please take the time to read this announcement. First and foremost: A little over a month ago, our project had it's birthday. PandaWoW turned 5! I'm very ashamed that we didn't celebrate this moment properly... Más información
1 de junio de 2018 00:32

The seventh arena season

Starting from 2 June 2018 (02.06.2018), on PandaWoW project the seventh arena season starts with the issuance awards for it, and with automatic verification of arena logs to identify win-trading, it will last until 1 September 2018 (01.09.2018). Awards for realms PandaWoW x100 and Fun: 2v2: - 1-10 places: Title Duelist + the same title on... Más información
28 de mayo de 2018 22:05

Launcher PandaWoW needed to join arenas and BGs!

Dear players, as we said earlier, soon our launcher will be needed to join the server. Right now you need it to join arenas and BGs. Install our launcher via this link. If you have any issues with PandaWoW launcher and you can't join arenas or BGs, please read this topic: Más información
9 de mayo de 2018 09:27

Changelog #23 for 5.4.8 on 2018-05-08

Below there is a changelog, which was made at 5.4.8 for the last 1,5 month, from 28.03.18 till 08.05.18: Status: applied. General: Void Storage - Fixed displaying of who created item and upgrade level. Transmogrification - Fixed an issue due to which it wasn't possible to transmog items from Void Storage. Fixed an issue due to which any teleportation... Más información
23 de abril de 2018 16:39

Changelog #22 for 5.4.8 on 2018-03-28

Below there is a changelog, which was made at 5.4.8 for the last month, from 23.02.18 till 28.03.18: Status: applied. General: Fixed an issue due to which state of battle pet could not be safed. Fixed displaying of enchantments of the item which had random enchantment. Fixed an issue due to which players did not see changed nickname till... Más información
14 de abril de 2018 17:38

Changelog #5 for WEB on 2018-04-14

Below is a list of changes that were applied on 14.04.2018, they touched pets section. - Now when buying pets you have the option to choose from what expansion you want to buy a pet: - After selection of expansion, you will see a list of pets, that was in this expansion, we've added icons to every pet, so it will be easy for you to select... Más información
1 de abril de 2018 02:27

Changelog #4 for WEB on 2018-04-01

Hello, WEB updates of the project were not written anywhere. This is not correct, so now changes to the WEB will be updated in this section. - Now in mounts category you can select type of the mount "Ground" or "Fly" - After selection of mount type you will be able to select expansion: - After selection of... Más información
25 de febrero de 2018 23:45

Changelog #21 for 5.4.8 on 2018-02-22

Below there is a changelog, which was made at 5.4.8 for the last 3 months, from 18.11.17 till 22.02.18: Status: applied. General: Fixed item level calculation for crossbows, bows, combinations OF one-handed AND two-handed weapons. The function completely corresponds to the client. Fixed several server crash reasons occurs while using Esc button... Más información
27 de diciembre de 2017 14:44

Новый Год 2018

Администрация сервера PandaWoW поздравляет всех с наступающим Новым 2018 Годом и Рождеством! В Новый год желаем счастья, Бесконечного добра. Пусть мечты и все желанья Исполняются всегда! Уважаемые игроки, в честь праздников мы запускаем ряд новогодних мероприятий, в которых вы сможете принять участие и получить разные подарки: Конкурс рисунков... Más información
24 de noviembre de 2017 15:31

Black Friday on PandaWoW

Dear Players, we have decided to support Black Friday. From the current moment and until 26.11.2017 (inclusive), the following promotions will be active on the project: All prices for the items have been reduced by 20%. Vote will give you 50% more silver coins. Now you will get additional 20% gold coins, donating by any way in Control panel... Más información