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11 de septiembre de 2015 08:46

Changelog #8 on 5.4.8 from 07.09.15

Below you can see a changelog, which was made on 5.4.8 for 2 months, from 25.06.15 to 07.09.15: Status: applied on all realms. List of changes: General: - Fixed search in AH for other client languages. - From section buying characters in the control panel removed characters, that don't conform a new criterias (as previously planned). ... Más información
28 de junio de 2015 07:13

Changelog #7 on 5.4.8 from 24.06.15

Below you can see a changelog, which was made on 5.4.8 for 2 months, from 11.04.15 to 24.06.15: Status: applied on all realms. List of changes: General: - Fixed a bug where sometimes it was impossible to buy items for the various currencies such as Spirit of Harmony. - Modified functionality of NPC for getting complex achievements. - Implemented... Más información
20 de abril de 2015 16:26

PandaWoW - Happy Birthday! #2

Dear players, we want to congratulate all of you on our common holiday, the project PandaWoW today is 2 years! On this day, exactly two years ago we opened our the first realm x100 and we started to develop. During this year on our project happened a lot of significant changes. We've updated realms to the latest version of Mists of Pandaria content... Más información
10 de abril de 2015 12:22

Changelog #6 on 5.4.8 from 10.04.15

Below you can see a changelog, which was made on 5.4.8 for 2 months, from 15.02.15 to 10.04.15: Status: applied on all realms. List of changes: General: - We added an NPC that will help you solve more complex achievements (For more details click here: x10, x100, FUN); - Fixed bug with the Guild invite (When you get invited to a guild and... Más información
14 de febrero de 2015 08:15

Changelog #5 on 5.4.8 from 14.02.15

With a list of fixes for the last 2 months, you can read on the forum of our project: Más información
26 de enero de 2015 07:56

The first season of the arena

Starting from 26.01.15, at the project PandaWoW starts the first season of the arena with the issuance of awards for it, and automatic check logs of arena for identifying foul play. Current season will last for 4 months, up to 01.06.15, after will be implemented cross-server arena, a single between all the realms of the project and will be more prize... Más información
28 de diciembre de 2014 08:21

Results of 2014 year

More info on forum: Más información
15 de diciembre de 2014 14:49

Changelog #4 on 5.4.8 from 15.12.14

Below you can see a changelog, which was made on 5.4.8 for 1 month, from 12.11.14 to 15.12.14: Status: applied on all realms. General: - Fixed world events: Pilgrim's Bounty and Feast of Winter Veil(main part). - Implemented main code for Battle Pets, just need to implement the mechanics of battle, planned to finish in #5 changelog. - Fixed... Más información
5 de diciembre de 2014 08:57

Cleanup characters

On Monday(08.12.14), starting from 08:00 Moscow time(GMT +3), will be start cleaning the database of characters, which did not login in game a long time, on the following criteria: Realm x10: Will be removed characters up to lvl 19(inclusive), which did not login in game more than 6 months from the current date. Will be removed characters from... Más información
1 de diciembre de 2014 09:39

Passive anticheat system

From today on all realms of our project is set passive anticheat system, which monitors the actions of each player in the game and displays the information if it is beyond the scope of permissible, generally easy detect any speed hack, hack fly or teleport hack. These data come to all online GMs and Moderators, because of this cheat is called passive... Más información