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13 de abril de 2014 09:28

More bonuses for voting!

Starting today, for voting in 6 ratings, where our project is involved, you can receive 10 bonuses per day, instead of 6 bonuses that were previously. This was possible due to the increase of number of bonuses for international ratings and adding our project in 2 new ratings ( and, in this ratings gives 1 bonus, because... Más información
12 de abril de 2014 10:39

Changelog #8 on 5.4.2 from 12.04.14

Below you can see a changelog, which was made on 5.4.2 for two week, from 28.03.14 to 12.04.14: General: - Implemented exchange Honor on Justice Points. - Fixed a bug with the rights of a cell in the guild bank. - Optimized code, should slightly improve performance. - Fix 2 reasons of server crash. - Fun realm changes: * Implemented reset... Más información
1 de abril de 2014 10:38

Characters transfer on PandaWoW x10

Dear players, we decided to start characters transfer from other servers on PandaWoW x10, this time without elevated rates, unnecessarily gaming world has become permanently x10. Duration of action for migrating from 01.04.14 to 04.10.14. Requirements to character transfer: Total online on the server must be more than 1000 players. Server version... Más información
27 de marzo de 2014 08:26

Changelog #7 on 5.4.2 from 27.03.14

Below you can see a changelog, which was made on 5.4.2 for two week, from 13.03.14 to 27.03.14: General: - Fix many exploits, thanks for all your messages. - Fix bug, when players can change specialization with macros for all pets, and can add many incorrect spells to him. - Fix bug, when players can not withdraw money from guild + fix guild... Más información
12 de marzo de 2014 10:22

Changelog #6 on 5.4.2 from 12.03.14

Below you can see a changelog, which was made on 5.4.2 for one week, from 06.03.14 to 12.03.14: General: - Fix bug with energy types(for example mana, energy and etc..), when set at the required count, spell still could not be used and still required to dial 1 or more. - Now full support new network code. - Implemented aura responsible for the... Más información
6 de marzo de 2014 12:32

Changelog #5 on 5.4.2 from 05.03.14

Below you can see a changelog, which was made on 5.4.2 for one week, from 26.02.14 to 05.03.14: General: - Rewrited network code on Boost.Asio. - Fix increase limit of Currency points depending on arena rating. - Fix locale for many npc texts. - Fix bug, when spell not work in some times on arena and bg.... Más información
27 de febrero de 2014 07:52

PandaWoW x5 now have rate х10

Due to the experience gained with increasing rate value on x5 in 2 times, during various activities, now decision with x5 have a permanently rates x10. Rates changed only by gaining experience, everything else unchanged. To keep all your account settings with x5 need rename realm name for your account in folder WTF. Más información
25 de febrero de 2014 11:24

Changelog #4 on 5.4.2 from 25.02.14

Below you can see a changelog, which was made on 5.4.2 for one week, from 19.02.14 to 25.02.14: General: - Fix guild bonus - Fix 9 reasons of server crash. Dungeons and Raids: - Fix bug, when can not see boss in dungeon The Forge of Souls. - Fix bug, when can not see... Más información
22 de febrero de 2014 15:21

Update realms x100 and Fun to 5.4.2 client

Couple of hours ago, x100 and Fun were successfully updated to support the new patch 5.4.2, we want to congratulate all the players, we had been preparing to this for a long time and finally it happened. Information about connecting to 5.4.2: In the coming days server will have a limit 5000 on the... Más información
18 de febrero de 2014 13:37

List of changes #3 on 5.4.2 from 18.02.14

Below you can see a list of changes, which were made on 5.4.2 for one week, from 12.02.14 to 18.02.14: General: - Fix bug, when changes in Guild Emblem not saved. - Fix show cooldowns for dungeons and raids in client interface. - Fix bug, when items sent from auction, or from mail came broken. - All libraries used by the core updated to the... Más información