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1 de septiembre de 2021 16:45

Changes: September

Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in September. Some of the fixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied. Changes: Hotfixes September 1, 2021: Fixed fall damage in scenarioFixed... Más información
1 de septiembre de 2021 15:46

Free Character Boost

Free Character Boost. From this moment until September 10, each player can use one free character boost on one of already registered accounts and those that will be registered before September 10, until the end of the promotion. To use the free boost, you need to go into the game, open the in-game store and select "level 90 character boost... Más información
31 de agosto de 2021 12:13

Challenge Season

2021-09-01, starts the Challenge Season, it will last approximately 3 months Guild Challenges 5000 for the guild: the opportunity to receive from Web Shop any items for this amount for any member of the guild. + For the next season, a separate channel for members of this guild (and a Role) will be open in the official PandaWoW... Más información
31 de agosto de 2021 11:49

Second Arena Season, x5

Starting from 2021-09-01, on PandaWoW Х5 starts the Second Arena Season, it will last approximately 3 months 1-4 places rating: 2600+ Title Gladiator + the same title on the forum (optional) + mount Swift Nether Drake and 5000 5-10 places Title Duelist + the same title on the forum (optional) and 1000 11-20 places... Más información
31 de agosto de 2021 11:48

Sixteenth Arena Season, x100 & FUN

Starting from 2021-09-01, on PandaWoW Х100 & FUN starts the Sixteenth Arena Season, it will last approximately 3 months 1-4 places rating: 2600+ Title Gladiator + the same title on the forum (optional) + mount Swift Nether Drake and 5000 5-10 places Title Duelist + the same title on the forum (optional) and 1000 ... Más información
27 de agosto de 2021 16:43

A big shop update on x5 realm

Shop Update A major revision has been made in the in-game store and the Control Panel Web Shop: all rare and epic items of equipment and weapons that appeared in patches 5.0 - 5.1 and which we missed earlier have been added: Raid items from trash mobs droploot from world bossesdungeons lootloot from rare creaturesPandaria vendors itemsitems... Más información
22 de agosto de 2021 22:10

Patch 5.2 content release.

Patch 5.2 content release. Soon, a big update will be installed on the servers, and the content of add-on 5.2 will appear on the x5 game world, on which our developers are now working, and therefore it's time to tell in more detail about what will be waiting for you in the game. This content is already available on game worlds x100 and partially... Más información
11 de agosto de 2021 18:27

Shop update

Shop update Patch 5.1 items have appeared in the in-game store and the Control Panel Web Shop: 450-496 ilvl armor and weapons from the Domination Point and the Lion's Landing, new mounts and companions. In addition, the cost of MoP items below level 460 has been reduced by an average of 30%. Más información
4 de agosto de 2021 14:42

Planes de desarrollo para agosto.

Development plans for August. The time required to complete the quests from the legendary chain that appeared in add-on 5.1 is gradually coming to an end, and many have almost completed the accessible storyline in Krasarang Wilds. And this month we begin preparations for the release of the content of 5.2 Patch: while development continues,... Más información
2 de agosto de 2021 16:01

Changes: August

Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in August. Some of the fixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied. Changes: August 2, 2021 General: Fixed 3 reasons caused server to... Más información